Weekends at The Local Beach Only



The Weekend

Hari Minggu adalah hari di mana pada umumnya menjadi hari bebas berkerja. Segala kegiatan yang bersifat kantoran biasanya tutup di akhir pekan. Nah, untuk membahas ini kita perlu banyak referensi untuk menguraikan bagaimana pentingnya hari libur bagi jiwa kita yang lelah dengan rutinitas. Pada dasarnya semua hari itu sama saja jika kita tinjau dari nama harinya saja. Namun, jauh berbeda ketika kita menilik je dalam, di mana senin sampai Sabtu kita diikat oleh rutinitas. Maka jawabannya adalah kita butuh hari libur.

I don't think anyone wants to take advantage of the holidays. Holidays do not have to be spent with recreation only many people spend holidays at home only. Piling homework makes the day off as the only way to fill the holidays. Many people do small but exciting things, such as growing crops in the yard, cleaning fish ponds, bathing domestic birds, purifying, and reading books.

It turns out that there is a lot of work that we can do without having to spend a lot of money on holidays. There are even activities that are done on holidays actually increase income for the family. Examples are like the one pictured above.





Recreate at Nearby Beach

One way to fill the holidays while still saving costs is to choose a recreation area close to your home. For example, just like we did. I and my close family have filled the holidays with a walk that is only 1 kilometer from home. That way at least we can save on travel, dining and other unexpected costs.

Even we set off on a foursome motorcycle, we deliberately didn't bring one more motorcycle because you don't want to be too troublesome. The journey between the house and the tourist attractions only ranges from about five minutes. A short and free trip.

Arriving at the beach we could see that many people had already arrived before arriving. Looking at that beautiful beach, screaming hysterically while running wanting.




Ujong Kuala Meursaksa Beach

This is the beach of Kuala Meuraksa located north of Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Meuraksa beaches are not too many visitors, this is because this beach is not a deliberate tourist spot. Some of the visitors who came were local visitors who spent only the afternoon just washing their eyes. People who come choose places close to where they live. It looks like some teenage daughter is photo on the beach.

Me and a few other kids enjoyed our weekend at the beach. The children were also very happy when they arrived at the beach, they immediately ran happily and played.
I accidentally took a few photos for my report on this week's holiday in the @theweekend community. I'm also a newcomer to this community.




My First Post in the Weekend

For my first post in The Weekend community, I take this as my @introduction to my friends or Introduction. My greetings to all my friends in this community, to @galenkp I thank you for making room for me in the weekend community. I'm sorry if I made a mistake in this post or any other post.

I really hope for guidance from community caregivers. Please always direct. So far ago my post was tonight. Hopefully my weekend report this week provides entertainment for all friends.

Thank you
