RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 38: Inventions

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I knew you'd say something that related to writing or art! I agree though...Paper and pen. Great inventions and without them where would we be?

The pen, or let's call it writing implement, changed the world. It allowed us to document more effectively, to record history and for future generations to learn what happened in times past. I wonder, with everything so digital, what might be left for future generations to find and if they'll have the ability to retrieve the digital information at all.


Yup, it's one basic thing we can't ignore today, even years later after we advanced technologically.
I was actually thinking too if the kids of the future will even want to hold a pen anymore. If writing as we know it might change. Digitally one can think that information is safer to be stored. But a fire can burn the building with the books and the computers too. So what makes an information indestructible? Hm.... I don't know where you could store data and expect complete protection. But nevertheless I am sure that the pen is here to stay for a while.
