Vaccine Fact Checkers Are Funded by an Organization that has $2-Billion Investment on Vaccines Manufacturing


Have you heard about fact checkers? Fact checkers became so popular when the 'pandemic' emerged mainstream in 2020.

Big Tech giants like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube have been very particular of the many sensitive information being posted on their platform. These big techs work in cahoots with an organization that aims to 'correctly', 'truthfully' spread correct information instead of the so-called FAKE NEWS or disinformation or some people call it, hearsay. Hence, many reputable journalist, scientists, doctors, and professionals have been blocked and eventually de-platformed for sharing and exposing vital information regarding the vaccines.

I think some you are reading and, and many other mainstream news outlet who are adopting 'fact checking' in their news.

Did you know? is funded by a grant from an organization run by Obama's former CDC director Richard E. Besser. This former CDC director has invested into Johnson & Johnson company with at least 15% of its assets through Johnson & Johnson stock, that is according to its 2019 financial statement.

The saying goes,

'If the information you put out in the public is not true, then why do they care about it so much that they have to suppress and de-platform you?'

These big techs have been CENSORING videos, articles, posts, and comments that are merely questioning these lockdowns, mask wearing, and digging the truth about if covid is real or a scam.

Youtube says 'combatting misinformation', but this is what's really happening we are in an information warfare.

The strategy of these social media platforms is they are putting a notice below or above the comment section, some sort of 'pre-empting' or 'pre-debunking' the user who wants to share a content into thinking that what her/she is about to post have already been debunked or fact-checked, therefore it is fake information. This notice is viewed by default on all viewers of that particular comment or video.




These videos have been censored:

Fact-checkers dismissed these like, 'no certain patient exists', or the image or videos were DEEP FAKES edited by video editors online.

Frankly, the only aim of this fact checkers is to suppress relevant information regarding the truth about covid and the vaccines in order for the general public to believe that vaccines are completely safe, effective, and most side effects are negligible. It is common sense that vaccine companies control the flow of information regarding the vaccines.

Ask yourself this question:

Have I ever heard on tv news and big techs claiming or just a bit of 'speculating' about people who died after taking the vaccine is the direct side effect of that jab?

The answer to that question is, No. But when people died from accidents, gun shots, cancer, pneumonia, etc. the mainstream media are all over it broadcasting they died from covid.

If you have figured this one out already it is a one huge MESH of interconnected corruption conspired by the big tech CEOs, government officials, vaccine companies, military, health officials, television CEOs; including all below their rank who knowingly and unknowingly benefits from the hundreds of billions of dollars in this so-called 'pandemic'.

We, the taxpayers are paying for the media marketing of the vaccines - not the private institutions who are manufacturing them. It is sadly ironic. The public are led to believe that the ONLY way to get rid of this virus is getting the jab - no other else.

There is no other real explanation on why alternative medicines, vitamins, eating healthy foods, exercise, and sunlight are not so publicly encouraged unlike the vaccine which is advertised relentlessly, 24/7.

Let's look at the VAERS update below.

More than 3,500 reported deaths and thousands of adverse reactions reported to the CDC. But I believe it is only a handful are reported. And Mr. Gates is saying we are going to need third shots, perhaps maybe up to 5 shots, who knows? And they are naming it 'booster shots'. Do you still trust these people?

For those who are beginning to be awaken. Ask yourself,

'Will I continue relying and believing in this Big Tech 'factual news' about vaccines?'

Or, will I now start DYOR - Do Your Own Research?

And trash this non-sense 'The BENEFITS OUTWEIGH the RISKS'.


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