We Are Using Decentralized HIVE Fund Wrong


I will state an obvious fact that is going to form a central part of the case I am making. The wealth of DHF is stored in a decentralized stablecoin. The last word is the most important part. 10% of $HIVE inflation goes to DHF; but it is stored as $HBD which has held its peg quite well for some time.

This Utilization Does Not Make Sense

  • There is 21,591,732.458 HBD in the fund
  • 1% of it (215,917.325 HBD) is available to fund Proposals everyday
  • Only 29,053.090 HBD of it is currently being used
  • Current utilization rate is 13.45%

This utilization rate would make sense for a fund like SPS DAO which own a large amount of wealth in a cryptocurrencies that can accumulate in value. It would be stupid of them to blow their wealth in the bear market when the prices could be easily be 100X higher in 1-2 years.

Stablecoins are a completely different beast (especially when we talk about stablecoins that track the value of a fiat currency). Inflation acts as a form of taxation and diminish the value of the fiat currencies. The way inflation is calculated has been fiddled with so much that the value presented by government bureaucracies is far lower than the real inflation felt by the citizens that are cursed to use the currencies. Wealth held in stablecoins loose value.

HODLing Fiat is Financial Suicide

HIVE whales and even rest of the community have been very apathetic or even hostile towards many of the DHF Proposals. If there is no value to be seen from a project or if it is looking like a scam, there is no reason to fund it. If the goal of not voting or voting for the Return Proposal is to make the DHF bigger, then I have to call you an ignorant idiot.

DHF Grows When $HIVE Value Goes Up!

The price will have to stay at high levels for a long time to create a large impact in the DHF coffers. If $HIVE price goes up 10X. the wealth added to DHF everyday will also grow by a factor of 10. Saving HBD is an extremely ineffective way to grow the value of DHF. __If anything, we should be seeking good projects to fund that will lead to higher value for $HIVE. That is the path to take for anyone concerned with rational self interest.

Yesterday I briefly touched upon HiveCast Project created by @kencode. You can read in detail about open source software, loss of ownership and walking the walk against Big Tech and come back to this article later.

There are few days left for HiveCast Proposal to begin funding. Only 37% of the needed votes have been received. @brianoflondon is much closer to get his V4V.app Proposal. Take a look at their accounts to see the progress that is already being made without funding. These are not scammers. These are good people making useful DAPPs that can quite literally help billions of individuals to liver better lives with more freedom. HIVE can be a powerful source of infrastructure and funding for these projects. That must lead to more users, which leads to more Resource Credit needs, which leads to more $HIVE Powered Up and the demand will send the price higher.

That would mean there will be even more HBD coming to the DHF coffers. @leofinancee made one of the best Proposals on DHF and barely managed to get itself funded The project managed to survive and grow on its own due to incredible people like @khaleelkazi who were behind it. Not every project can achieve the same level of financial strength. They could still retain the capacity to be a new positive for HIVE. Yet the sad reality is that many developers I have had conversations with feel very discouraged regarding getting funded by DHF.

Give Up Saving - Embrace Investing!

There are many cryptocurrency projects spending millions of dollars trying to bring developers to create DAPPs on their blockchain, DAG, etc. while HIVE present itself as a barren land with incredibly powerful technology behind it. There are competitors attempting to be decentralized social media. The way it work is; they get more attention that HIVE and grow to have a bigger marketcap than HIVE and eventually fall. HIVE remains where it is far out of the from page of @coingecko

I Would Like to See An 80% Utilization Rate

We have to be strategic about how we spend the HBD without becoming a penny pincher. I trust @leofinance to do an amazing job with marketing. Other teams can learn from those lessons.

We can organize Hackathons to bring more developers to HIVE. We may even witness the birth of another killer DAPP in one of those events. If DHF become generous with its funding, we can attract talent to develop HIVE faster. They may even come up with new use cases or even create more DEX integrations. Right now it is not very easy to trade HIVE/HBD and other HIVE-Engine assets for anyone who is not deeply involved with the community. Reduced friction is the biggest missing piece for the next bull market.

What is Best for HIVE is Best for Me!

This is why I write this article. I'm a Dolphin with 13,601.137 HP and HIVE related assets makes up the biggest part of my portfolio. If HIVE needs to grow, it needs to invest in the things that make it grow. We need more developers, DAPPs and users. "Build it and they will come" has not work. On a closing note; have your heard about the definition of insanity?

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I couldn't agree more with your perspective on the DHF and the need for HIVE to invest more actively in projects that can drive its growth. Holding onto stablecoins without a strategic plan is indeed a missed opportunity. The potential of HIVE is vast, and it's essential to fund projects that can bring tangible value to the ecosystem. The examples you provided, like HiveCast and V4V.app, show that there are promising projects out there that deserve support. Let's hope the community realizes the importance of proactive investment for the long-term success of HIVE!


It's great to hear that I'm not alone in this. Apathy seems to be a major issue. Even the most voted Proposal (@ecency development) has only received 43,848,198.780 HP worth votes. This is far lower than what Witness votes are at. 10 Witnesses have more than 70 Million HP voting for them. Users don't seem to care enough about DHF voting. I wish these things will change soon.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
vimukthi tipped guruvaj
vimukthi tipped yaroschain
vimukthi tipped cwow2
@vimukthi(1/5) tipped @pazartesi


We differently need more fubded proposals, but we still need to be a little bit critical so we don't just fund random peoples personal life.
But ye, it shouldn't be a big struggle to get a proposal funded if you are a serious player


A good trend that could be helpful is having 2 Proposals with one of them asking for a small amount and the other asking for a large amount. We could fund a small amount and see if there is good enough return for it. Voters can signal that they are willing to give a project a chance without going all in.


Thats not a bad idea, but doesn't it cost money to make a proposal?


There is a fee that must be paid in order to create a proposal: 10 HBD + 1 HBD for each day it "lasts" over 60 days. Fee based on duration: 10 HBD

The fee is not that high. SPS DAO require a 100,000 DEC to be burned. DHF is cheap compared to that.


Does the 1 HBD per day fee apply when the proposal is not funded i wonder.


I keep on onboarding new users, I help in maintaining an active community.

So, everyone should do it also.


I try to do it as much as I can. The problem is that most users give up being active after a short time. What makes things even more difficult is the fact that I don't have many friends. I do have some Account Creation Tokens ready to use. Most of the time, asking people to join @splinterlands is more effective.


This is very educative as well as informative. HIVE has really stood the test of time and it is still standing.


Thank you! If the HIVE Power holders act to vote for more good proposals we will be able to find better success.


A bit of a late reply but yeah I like this angle. I've always been full of planetary changing ideas for hive, but I just lack the contacts and ability to even consider executing them. I could manage other people doing it but somehow that's not gonna cut it lol. The actual people who can and will do things and stick to them to the end is surprisingly few and far between.

Marketing is the biggest thing that needs brushing up. I'm seeing more lately with hive fest coming up etc but generally, nobody has ever heard of hive, even people already into crypto. Tricky


I've always been full of planetary changing ideas for hive, but I just lack the contacts and ability to even consider executing them. I could manage other people doing it but somehow that's not gonna cut it lol.

I have certainly felt similar things myself. These days I worry more about helping in small ways and supporting the projects that are trying to make a difference. @kencode and @disregardfiat are building some amazing things for an example.


Thanx for the plug on HiveCast @vimukthi I sincerely appreciate it. Sadly, people seem to vote for the old whales, hype, and same old bs "marketing" schemes.

It is quite insulting actually that there's over $215K per DAY available and the whales would not even support $118 of that towards our HiveCast proposal. Our Hive-Tube project has been immensely successful too with thousands of downloads! WTF Aaaaaanyway...

Sadly, our HiveCast proposal did not get voted in. I guess the whales do not see the value yet in RSS, the Fediverse, user-engaging, truly distributed, PROFITABLE streaming media.

We are discussing a few ideas however on how to fix the Hive-oligarchy issues, so if you would like to join in the discussion on matrix:
http://agorise.chat (I'm an admin in there too, so feel free to dm me)


Thank you for the invite! I am hardly active anywhere outside of HIVE. I will keep you in mind.

It is quite insulting actually that there's over $215K per DAY available and the whales would not even support $118

This is the part I'm most furious about. Different people can have different opinions on what is best. But not spending 0.05% of the available budget on a real project with real utility is pure insanity. HBD can only loose value over time due to being linked to USD. If the unused funds were spent to burn HIVE, I could see why a whales would want to keep most of the DHF Proposals unfunded. The current state simply does not make sense to me.


Let's use your fury to help enact change.. :)


Also, the DHF should not store funds as $HBD. HBD is a worthless token that has no real world value. It is not a medium-of-exchange, it does not store value and it is volatile. When it shot up to $1.19 USD, it wrecked proposals. Now it's back down to $0.97. That's a $0.22 swing, no so-called "stable" asset should ever have volatility that high.


very nice your thinking is absolutely correct,


It is good to see more people agree. The problem is that the whales tend to think differently or simply too apathetic to vote.


The DHF is a slush fund for whales. Anyone who disagrees with that either benefits directly from its mismanagement and mis-allocation of funds or doesn't want to admit that something is systemically-wrong.
