I Have Completed 6 Years On HIVE| Feeling Amazing + Normal As Part of 1%


The first few "birthdays" on HIVE (at the time called STEEM) felt like milestones. I even wrote articles guiding new users about the tools I was using etc. Some of those tools don't even exist now and there are new tools in place offering whole new feature. I was happy to track all the progress in the first few years. Now HIVE feels like a home.

One some days I spend more time communicating on HIVE than IRL. On some days I have more conversations with HIVE users than the parents I live with. No matter what I achieve on HIVE, it will be more or less "Normalized" in my perception.

Birthday News Brought By @hivebuzz

It had been a long time (probably over an year) since I last checked out the dashboard. I remember the early days of the project with its humble beginnings. @arcange @techybear and @captaink have all done a great job improving the gamification on HIVE. If it wasn't for @hivebuzz I would have missed out on the fact that it is my 6th birthday on HIVE. The comment was on this article where I dive into web traffic analysis of HIVE front ends and games.

Many Achievements + Being Part of 1%

I know that I am going to be filling up many of these achievements without making any extra effort. My proudest achievement is being "Weekly Top Upvoted" 🏆 It was not even something I was expecting. Writing everyday for 365 days and other upvotes, comments and payout based achievements are going to take a lot of effort and I have no intention of going after them.

I consider these as a badge of honor to know the extent of my contributions as an active author on HIVE. It is a great way to show anyone that I have had long term commitment. The best part is that I greatly enjoyed most of it 😃

HIVE Has Around 2.5 Million Users

Most of these are not active users. @dalz periodically share statistics about HIVE users. He even post about other blockchains. There are many insights than can be found by following him.

I checked my HIVE Rankings after a long time. I used to be part of 1% based on some metrics. I did manage to keep up my work and maintain a good rank. Keep in mind that I earned most of my HIVE through writing on the blockchain.

Reputation Rank

Followers Rank

Posts Authored Rank

HIVE Power Rank

1% of 2.5 million is 25,000. As you can see, I rank far above that after starting out as a minnow with very little money to invest. You too has the chance achieve similar results before $HIVE reach mainstream adoption. @leofinance is one of the best places to learn about cryptocurrency and I am waiting to be a part of LEO Power Up Day coming tomorrow. Expect an article on that as well!

Thank You For The 6th Year

I have come across some amazing people and learned a great many things on HIVE. There isn't a single forum or any other type of online community that can match what I have experienced in HIVE. I am happy I got to meet you and I'm happy I could write valuable content for you. I have even done some archiving work. My proudest ever is Diamond Sutra which is the oldest surviving printed book in the world. It was published on 11th May 868 AD in China. It was one of the best spiritual experiences for me. Read it when you have time 😇

Happy Hiving 🍯 🐝

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Congratulations on your 6th year Hive anniversary! Hivebuzz has been really helpful in tracking my progress here on chain. I've been visiting the ranking page on a monthly basis to track my progress.

You've made amazing achievements within the 6th year period and I'm wishing you many more happy returns on Hive :)

Will give diamond sutra a read, these are topics that interests me :)


Will give diamond sutra a read, these are topics that interests me :)

That is great to hear. Wish you would have a great time reading the translation!


Amazing, congratulations on your 6th Hive birthday and in beingin the top 1% 😃



@vimukthi! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @tuisada. (9/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.


Happy Hive Birthday @vimukthi


Congrats and Happy Hive Birthday! It's amazing to have reached such a milestone here on the blockchain. Cheers to many more 🥂
