How To Build Cardano DAPPs Through Drag and Drop Interface + Plutus Pioneer Program Lectures


Cardano Plutus is a smart contract programming language developed by IOHK, taking inspiration from Haskell. . Plutus is designed to develop robust, secure and efficient smart contracts on the Cardano. It is a functional programming language like Haskell which makes it extremely secure compared to Solidity or Vyper.

Why Not Use Haskell?

The Lectures for Programmers

I stumbled on these lectures on YouTube. They are free but not all that beginner friendly. By beginner, what I mean is someone like me who has very little knowledge and experience in programming. If you have few years under your belt on any programming language, it is safe to give these lectures a try.

Keep in mind that functional programming work differently from the regular object oriented programming. Functional programming focus on what a program needs to do, rather than how it needs to do it. Imperative programming on the other hand is based around instructions, focusing on steps that need to be taken to complete a task instead of the task itself.

Plutus Pioneer Program

Marlowe for Non-Programmers

Plutus makes it easy for developers to create smart contracts on Cardano. Most of the people in cryptosphere are not programmers. The situation is made worse by the fact that most programmers are not familiar with functional programming. IOHK built a solution to tackle this problem.

Marlowe Playground

Any user can test their skills and attempt to learn more about how building DAPPs on Cardano work by visiting and trying to build DAPPs using;

  • JavaScript
  • Blockly
  • Haskell
  • Marlowe

Yes, the second bullet point refers to the drag and drop programming language developed by Google. That is drag and drop smart contracts on Cardano of all places! It should not be a surprise since Blockly can generate code in JavaScript, Lua, Dart, Python, or PHP. Marlowe Playground already supports JavaScript.

These Are The Times To Build

We are at least close to seeing an end of the bear market. Some thing we could have already seen the bottom for this market cycle. I would recommend to be ready for either scenario. As for the builders, getting started close to a bull market provide a fair middle ground. Those who join during the market tops are the ones who tend to get the worst outcomes. Developers that keep building during the worst times see incredible success if their projects found an audience. Yet it comes after a great deal of attrition and perseverance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
