GAS DAO Token Airdrop for Ethereum Users!



In the meantime, an GAS token's Airdrop is in progress on all accounts that have paid ether Gas fee of more than $ 1559 from the main wallet before December 26.

You can also check how many ETHs used as a gas fee in this, and you can also check that you have raised several transactions, and if you have used GAS over $1559, you can take token claims on the links below.

Claim Link:

What is Gas Dao?

The purpose of GAS DAO is aiming to create the Topic Weave Network Activation (DAO) of the Most Giant Ederch Network Activation (DAO) through on-body and off-chain governance.

All active wallets using a $1559 gas fee have introduced EIP-1559 in London Hard Fork, which have become a new turning point through the incineration model of ETH, and all active wallets using a $1559 gas fee are targeted, and through a fair initial deployment without a separate token sale. A new experiment on the potential that the GAS token can form one huge community by mediating.

GAS Token Mix
GAS is an ERC-20 governance token for Gas DAO
More than 1 billion GAS token holders can submit propagation
More details on the role of governance, delegation, and offshine snapshots are expected to be more detailed through separate announcements later

55% of total supply of supply will be aired to 634,429 eligible addresses
The airdrop has been completed based on network usage in 13880000 block (December 26, 2021)
As mentioned above, only the account using a gas fee of more than $1559
30% of the total supply is assigned to DAO
The remaining 15% are allocated to 25 core contributors
The GAS token claim is available until May 1, 2022, and the tokens that have not been claimed until the deadline will belong to DAO.

In the Ethereum, including the Essential Swap, Ethereum Name Service, OpenDAO, Gas Dao, etc., this is often a method of paying token airdrops to users who used the network and those services without any conditions before issuing the token.

Although no economic incentives have not agreed, the token to users who use their services will be an effective means of reimbursing the token to the active user and the effective means to exclude malicious users to dump a token, and all projects are worried This is because it is the closest to a more fair token distribution method.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This looks lucrative although I can't have them. But I really like the idea.


Ha ha, me neither, lol. But I think it's great surprise and new year gift for all Ethereum Users who were dissatisfied with High ETH Gas fess, this might chill them. !LOL
