RE: Society Has No Use Whatsoever For One Person In Ten


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I haven't watched that specific video, but I am familiar with Jordan Peterson's take on IQ and how the wealth gap will continue to widen as the smart people create productivity-enhancing tools and in so doing capture the lion's share of society's advancements in productivity, leaving the low-IQ folks to stagnate and eventually rise up in revolt and use physical violence to seize the property of the smart upper class.

However, I believe Jordan makes the same mistake as Elon Musk when it comes to AI, technology, and automation.

They both believe those three things will replace most humans. What they fail to realize is that humans are uniquely capable in two important areas: creativity and judgment. These are two things that AI and machines will never be able to do.

Machines are good at doing the mundane, repetitive things -- those things that tend to bring the least amount of satisfaction to the working individual.

Although one might argue that judgment and IQ are linked, one cannot argue that creativity and IQ are linked. And, in that regard, technological advances are making it easier and easier for creative individuals to get paid for their creative talents. NFTs are the latest advancement in that area (and a huge one).

With all that said, I am actually a supporter of implementing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the U.S., provided it is implemented in a way that ensures it will replace all existing welfare payments (personal and corporate) for now and forevermore.

I will actually be teaching about UBI in my class tomorrow. Maybe I will put my UBI suggestions into a Hive post in the near future.

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Thank you for your response.

I haven't watched that specific video, but I am familiar with Jordan Peterson's take on IQ and how the wealth gap will continue to widen as the smart people create productivity-enhancing tools and in so doing capture the lion's share of society's advancements in productivity, leaving the low-IQ folks to stagnate and eventually rise up in revolt and use physical violence to seize the property of the smart upper class.

Jordan Peterson does not say anything about a revolt in this video. I think the arena in which such a scenario would play out long before any kind of physical revolt would be politics. We have already seen populist movements across the entire West.

However, I believe Jordan makes the same mistake as Elon Musk when it comes to AI, technology, and automation.

They both believe those three things will replace most humans. What they fail to realize is that humans are uniquely capable in two important areas: creativity and judgment. These are two things that AI and machines will never be able to do.

Machines are good at doing the mundane, repetitive things -- those things that tend to bring the least amount of satisfaction to the working individual.

It would be accurate to say that the cutting edge AI we have today is narrow AI, which means that all existing AIs are specific to relatively narrow domains. But within those domains many AIs that exist can be remarkably creative and exhibit very good judgment. Take the best chess or go playing AI's, for example. Human professionals learn from how these programs play. They are developing approaches that human top professionals haven't thought of before.

Although one might argue that judgment and IQ are linked, one cannot argue that creativity and IQ are linked. And, in that regard, technological advances are making it easier and easier for creative individuals to get paid for their creative talents. NFTs are the latest advancement in that area (and a huge one).

Creativity can exist at all levels of human (or machine) intelligence. Creativity is basically a generative activity that results in something new through the combination of existing elements in a new way. AI software can very well be creative within the bounds its expertise. (The same applies to humans: we can only be meaningfully creative within the bounds of our own expertise.) Genetic algorithms, for example, can create novel solutions in many problem domains be it computer hardware design or any other specific problem domain. Even some types of art can be and have been created by software.

With all that said, I am actually a supporter of implementing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the U.S., provided it is implemented in a way that ensures it will replace all existing welfare payments (personal and corporate) for now and forevermore.

UBI makes a lot of sense. The problem with it is that it is a one size fits all solution that may not work in all cases. For example, things like disability disability allowances may not be possible to replace entirely with UBI without making UBI excessively high.

I will actually be teaching about UBI in my class tomorrow. Maybe I will put my UBI suggestions into a Hive post in the near future.

That would be great! You are a valuable asset to this platform thanks to your role in academia. Decentralized protocols like Hive are potential rich topic for academic research for economists.

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