Fomocraft Launches Research Division


At Fomocraft, we're always looking to set challenges for ourselves. Our most recent step in "setting the bar ever higher" has been to commit resources toward developing a research arm. That research unit, which we officially kicked off this month by hiring a couple smart folks, has been first tasked with making infographics like this:


You can see AND LIKE the original tweet here.

So far engagement has been pretty good at around the 8% mark, which to us means the investment in prioritizing research looks promising, at least at the outset.

In the future, we'll be adding blog posts and even long-form research reports to the repertoire. But the bread and butter will be beautifully wrought concise infographics.

What will Fomocraft Research do?

Fomocraft Research is an extension of what our flagship company, Fomocraft Limited, does. And what do we do, in our humble opinion, better than anyone?

Tell stories!

The power of Narrative has been consistently shown throughout time immemorial. From Homer's epic stories of conquest and exploration that were passed orally from one bard to another over generations to the meme investing of today, it is clear that what holds the most sway over human emotions is a good story told. The better it is told, the more chance it has to go viral.

And the more viral something goes, the higher the standing in the industry for Fomocraft. With more visibility, there comes a variety of benefits. Better clients. More allocation opportunities. More opportunities for strategic advisory. More fun!

Just over a month in, and we are even more excited about the value that Fomocraft Research will bring to our emerging organization.

About Fomocraft

Fomocraft is a highly sought-after startup marketing and strategy consulting firm that specializes in the Blitz Launch of crypto startups. On occasions, early-stage startups are considered for incubation or acceleration when the founding team and the business strategy demonstrate potential and certain qualities that Fomocraft looks for and time is available.

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Those TVL growth numbers are pretty wild.

I'm sort of surprised to see Avalanche (AVAX) as the CLEAR leader.

I knew they were doing well on the back of platforms like Pangolin, but not that well.

Also, what the heck is FANTOM?

Another one to add to my research list haha...

PS. It's awesome to see businesses like Fomocraft taking advantage of the highly targeted audience that having a LeoFinance blog can offer.

A massively undervalued part of our community.

Just gotta update those link URLs, mate!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
