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Blockchain technology will never be about cryptocurrencies: $Bitcoin alone, these is a cluster of multiple applications is Science, Health, Entertainments&Media(Music, Movies, Gaming), warfare, transportation, education etc. As predicted, Blockchain is already R
revolutionizing multiple works of life which I complied here in this article. Many of the applications of these amazing Technology is much needed in so many underdeveloped country irrespective of their government's participation, supports or not. Although, some of the amazing and futuristic plans/predictions might not live up to the objectives and promises, some are already changing lives!


Starting in Movies, right on Hive/Steem was a Movie Production "Hardfork Series", the World first Crypto-focus mini-series powered by Steem tokens. Followed by the Image producing Gadgets makers Eastman Kodak Company "Kodak" had soared their stock price up by implementing the Blockchain into their business and had developed a Blockchain system for tracking intellectual property rights and fees/wages to Photographers. Also in Music, singer and writer "Imogen Heap" collaborated with UJO; a platform created for musicians to enable them monitor their Royalties and allow them create a ownership. Gaming is another, where people all over the world have earned some decent income just from playing decentralized games. Also, there are several media platform where anyone could stream news or documentaries and earn tokens that could feed families or provide for their basic needs. A host of underdeveloped Nations needs this and it could be life changing.



Smart City

Singer Akon is building a Smart city in Senegal his home country to be powered by his token Acoin. Also, there was Dmania, a proposed wooden city which was launched back in 2018. It is a prototype of a City built through the Blockchain and using the science CLT- Cross Laminated Timber to build an Ecofriendly way of living. Most citizens who can't afford decent accommodations could benefit greatly from this. Then a Blockchain- driven system is being created to monitor the legal processes that are so complicated and creates huge fees and frictions in real Estate changes of Ownership.


An MIT project by MedRec; The Blockchain Electronic Medical Records designed to manage authentications, data transfers and sharing with confidentiality. Also GEM a startup is creating a database for disease outbreaks on the Blockchain and it is in collaboration with CDC- Center for Disease Control and Prevention to foster Responses and Relief strategies in case of an outbreak like the corona pandemic the world is experiencing at the moment.


One of the aim of implementing Blockchain into Transportation is by targeting how efficiency could be driven in the vehicle leasing, freelance driving, supply and logistics work Sector. IBM Blockchain Solutions stated that it would go public with number of non-finance initiatives on the Blockchain. A fantastic idea by "La'Zooz"; a community owned platform that would synchronize empty seats with passengers who gets stranded or could not afford transport costs. Also an online travel portal by WebJet has been developed through the Blockchain to solve the problem of Empty Hotel Rooms which could be efficiently tracked and traded with payment fairly routed to the Network of middle-men sites to fill up "11th Minutes" Vacancies.


The Government could be of little to zero help as it could be deduced in the ongoing global pandemic. Its obvious for several countries around the world that the only way to survive is not by depending on what their Government could do for them. In that wise, a Government powered application of the Blockchain known as Democracy.Earth, has been created, an open source project aiming to enable creation of democratically structured organizations and potentially even countries or states on the Blockchain. Dubai wishes to become the first Blockchained run Emirate/States. 30 Government Departments formed a committee back in 2016 dedicated to investigate opportunities across health records, Business registrations, haulage and Shipping to prevent conflicts.

South Korea is having Samsung to build on the Blockchain for the South Korean Government an application to be put to use in their Transport industry and safety of the Public.

Samsung SDS has announced a lucrative agreement with the Korean government to create a new Blockchain technology-based platform for welfare, public safety and transportation by 2022. The hope is to increase transparency for the government services.

While several countries has banned ICOs, they have been embracing Blockchain technology reluctantly. The need for technological change has become increasingly clear, as the world becomes technologically interconnected. Hong Won-Pyo, CEO of Samsung SDS said- Coin Telegraph

Just Twitter CEO Jack helped distributed Covid19 relief funds to millions of US citizens through its Square Inc app called "CashApp". A decentralized soon to be inter border money payment gateway. The UK Department of Works and Pension is in a project to use the Blockchain to administer and record benefits payments through "Govcoin"



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Although,this a long term futuristic project for any underdeveloped region based on poor infrastructures and lack of funds, it has proven effective in developed countries. A company called Guardtime is making a keyless signature systems of identification through the Blockchain to secure records in the Healthcare system in Estonia. Also a decentralized authentication system by REMME has been created aiming to make obsolete logins and passwords with SSL certificates stored on the Blockchain. This could ease health care system and make it affordable to all and that would be a monumental achievement to people in third world regions of the world.


Although, unemployment and fewer jobs is a another problem of underdeveloped countries, yet they could get affordable and much cheaper basic needs through automated industrialization. A distributed and encrypted cloud storage system built on the Blockchain through STORJ.io which enables users to share unused Hard drives space, and a Brooklyn based company called Transactivgrid is a community based project enabling members to indigenously generate and sell energy with the goal of cost reduction that comes with the process of Energy production and Distribution.

A company formerly known as "Fluent" now "Hijro" has developed a Blockchain framework for collaborating on prototyping and proof-of-concept. Furthermore, India's Biggest conglomerate Reliance industries is developing a Blockchain-based supply chain logistics platform along with it's own Cryptocurrency "Jiocoin".


Several financial institutions are moving their services on the Blockchain, just like Barclays has initiated Blockchain based initiative to track transactions and to combat financial frauds, also the Shipping Giant Maersk has plans to streamline Marine Insurance through the Blockchain. While "Aeternity" allows creation of smart contracts that activates upon Network consensus agreeing a condition had been met which allows payments automatically when the parties involved had reached an agreement. Truth is, this could provide job opportunities alongside and it is much welcomed in a developing Nation as it improves economy as well as livelihoods.

*These are the few various Blockchain technology applications that several developing regions of the world would benefit from. More ideas are still coming up and hopefully they all scale to make life much easier for us over the world!



I like the part about government and politics, as well as finance. Imagine a situation where the country's finances were run on an open ledger, decentralised system where we can all see where money is going. All our politicians will sleep inside cell for their whole lives because no where to hide their thief thief money


We might not even need those ghouls anymore when that happens, they consume the resources more than the Nation herself.
