RE: Is Crypto "Dodgy"?


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I dont think it is dodgy in the original sense of it, but yes there are dodgy types. The first time I googled bitcoin I was faced with a ton of dodgy stuff, infact the first page of google had no useful information to me, I closed the system and never checked again till about 2years after. So yh while we may say it is not dodgy in the real sense of it, due diligence must be applied at every point to ensure that it is not.
You've provided quite few but important things to look out for when discerning a dodgy crypto because sometimes it can truly be really hard

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great call on not checking Google for 2 years - similar thing happened to me when I first Googled Bitcoin in 2012 and couldn't find anything helpful at all. Wasn't until 2017 when I found a few more balanced, non-technical articles that I could understand to help me make a better decision to get involved.

Up until that point, for me crypto was dodgy as it was too dangerous due to not knowing what it really was but like you say, the due diligence helped to reduce that although I still ended up getting burned a lot haha!

Thanks mate, I wanted to keep the post balanced and give food for thought for those times we speak to others who aren't into crypto yet. Who knows, maybe friends and family will come around eventually 😀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
