RE: Data Privacy Compliance and the Future of Internet Browsers


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This article is just one of a million pages which push the false claim that the problem lies with advertisement.

You write very good English but I am afraid that you might have to take some comprehension lessons because there is no where in this article where I wrote that ads are the problem or that websites should be ad free. You have much to learn on the art of disagreeing politely with a conflicting opinion. You sounded like a school teacher grading the report card of a college student.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The opening line of the article reads: "If you are a regular explorer of the internet, regardless of whether you do so through a laptop or a mobile phone, chances are quite high that you must have run into unsolicited adverts."

The line has extra words and you are clearly using an non-standard definition of the term "unsolicited."

Web browsers use pull technology. Since you are pulling, all of the ads that you receive from a web site are solicited when you pull the web page.

Even the really annoying pop up ads are solicited. I block popups.

The act of pulling the page solicits the ad. The only to get unsolicited ads is if your browser or ISP is infected with adware.

I've been browsing the web since the 1990s and have never encountered an "unsolicited ad." I once installed a Browser Helper Object that injected ads.

The BHO spammed me with ads, but, since I installed the BHO, I solicited.

Your article is an advertisement for the Brave Web Browser. Brave is derived from Chrome. Brave has a "feature"that will remove ads from web sites. It then replaces the ad with their ad. They say that they will split the ad revenue with the browser via Basic Attention Token. They say they will give BAT to approved web sites.

The ad copy that you just wrote for Brave appears to be using intentionally ambiguous words to mask what Brave is actually doing. They are taking the adspace from web sites and replacing the ads with their ads.

The word "unsolicited" needs to be understood in context of Brave. Brave is labeling the ads that a website serves as "unsolicited." The replace the ads that the website served with their ads which they call "solicited" because you installed the Brave browser. They give you a BAT in return ... the website the provided content hoping to sell adspace is cut out of the equation (unless the censors at Brave approve the site).
