RE: Welcome problems of hardforks


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well if you know einstein is time that your wife read tales for you and for your kid.
it is a good time to start again, yes i know the people that has a nanny in the televisión in the past i grow up without tv and for this reason i love to read a lot, and prefer this before to see the tv o movie; prefer always or go to the mountain and see the nature practice the foraging, by the way, i do not know if you have natural areas near to you, this could give you an perspective completeli diferently, start to walk without shoes, i know it is hard at the begining and you could hurt your foot but could help your nervos, and get you other perspective and other begining to your system.
as a lovely man with the nature, i recomend this for you i know it is hard at the begining but believeme the nature could get you the helthy and repair you very fast.
i hope hive could repair good and get better times to comming soon.
well in the mountain you culd get plants to eat, flowers to smell, flowers to feed,
bulbs, root, all kind of food, if you need a reference about foraging well here are the user expert in this
haphazard-hstead this user give you an diferent perspective of life, unfortunately her blog are in stop but her historical post are an jewerly in this thing, how to survive in the nature.
well this is only my perspective but could help.
i hope you feel good.
Best regard.


I would like to get into foraging more, as for now it has been limited to bilberries in the forest, but there are plenty of mushrooms and things too. I am not into hunting, but deer, elk and some grouse are possible too. For now, I am happy growing a little food in the yard too :)

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