Meet Roboguide: AI-powered robot for the blind


A research project in the University of Glasgow is leading to the development of an innovative AI-powered guide dog called Roboguide. The project is attempting to implement a technology solution for people that are visually impaired. The robotic dog will be the eyes for the blind, taking them around an indoor environment and making the movement easy.

Roboguide is a project that combines the best of robotic software, AI language models, electronic sensors and cameras to create a 4-legged walking robot similar to a guide dog. It has a lash which a blind person can hold to follow the robotic guide around an indoor environment such as a home, office or some other enclosed space.

We want to look at how this innovative solution will transform the world of the blink and hep them achieve some measure of independence without using a natural furry dog. But then, lets look at the currently challenge of robotic guides currently in existence.

The problem with robotic guides

This project is not the first to attempt using robots to lead a blind person. There are many robotic guides that are in the tech markets. But a number of challenges have limited their effective use especially indoors. One of the challenge is weak network signals in an enclosed environment like a room.

When inside a room or other enclosed environment, the network signal that allows robots to map and see where they are is weaker, making it difficult for the robots to avoid obstacles. It is not an issue outdoors where network signals like those of GPS perform excellently. Robots that use cameras to map their environment also struggle indoors. The Principal investigator of the Roboguide project has something to say on this:

Robots which use GPS to navigate, for example, can perform well outdoors, but often struggle in indoor settings, where signal coverage can weaken. Others, which use cameras to ‘see’, are limited by line of sight, which makes it harder for them to safely guide people around objects or around bends. source

These are some challenges that make it difficult for robot guides that perform well outdoors to be effective indoors. Roboguide is attempting to provide a unique solution to these challenges in addition to the use of innovative AI language models. Lets see how roboguide would perform better where others are lacking.

Roboguide - Sensor and AI advancement

Roboguide developers are not going to use technologies that are limited by internally enclosed areas such as those inside a building. So instead of depending wholly on cameras for vision and navigation, roboguide is outfitted with multiple sensors on various sections of its outer skeleton. These sensors scan the internal environment and help roboguide to see and navigate around objects on the way including moving obstacles like a small child or pet.

Camera's would have limitations in an internal space because of objects along the guide route. Sensors would be better suited instead to such an internal environment. In this way, the roboguide would not be bumping into stuffs or navigating the wrong paths. About the use of sensors, the developers has this to say about roboguide:

The RoboGuide system uses a series of sophisticated sensors mounted on the robot’s exterior to accurately map and assess its surroundings. Software developed by the team help it learn the optimal routes between locations and interpret the sensor data in real-time to help the robot avoid the many moving obstacles it might encounter while guiding a human. source

The use of advanced AI learning algorithms and language proessing takes roboguide to a whole new level of sophistication not seen in current robotic models. Todays robotics guides are not able to provide communication capabilities. But with roboguide, AI language built into the system enables the roboguide to communicate with the blind person.

Roboguide can tell the person where they are inside an enclosed space. It can answer questions from the blind person and provide the kind of human-machine interaction that is only possible through AI language capabilities. Thus, the blind person does not feel like they are being led by a piece of metal that lacks interaction capabilities. Instead, roboguide will not only make sure the visually impaired move around quite easily, but a real companion that talks to the person in real-time.

No doubt, roboguide will raise the level of assistance that visually impaired persons could get from technology. While the product is not yet complete and commercially available, the developers hope that it will become a game-changer when they roll it out of production. There statements below about roboguide is full of promise:

Ultimately, our aim is to develop a complete system which can be adapted for use with robots of all shapes and sizes to help blind and partially sighted people in a wide range of indoor situations. We hope that we can create a robust commercial product which can support the visually impaired wherever they might want extra help. source


Artificial intelligence is finding real use-case in various human activities. Its development would continue to find application in solving real world problems. If and when it lives up to the billing, roboguide would be a super useful tool for the blind. It would be an example of how AI and related technologies are making inclusion a reality.


This article below was quoted in the publication and consulted while writing this piece. Feel free to check it out and explore more on the subject.

Note: Thumbnail is from pixabay

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


this is serious, AI becomes the companion of a blind person and it will look like a fellow human, it will not misguided the blind, technology has gone beyond human expectations.


Technology especially AI will go far in improving lives. Assistive innovations like the roboguide will take inclusion tona whole new level, making the blind and other disabled people enjoy live to the full


Chai it's so touching, at least it's beneficial for those who are really in need.


Will be confident to let a robot guide dog like this one lead a blond family member?


this is great news, i like the fact that ai is not stopping only on devices but has also advanced to smart robots. If this project is eventually done, it would have a very huge impact in the world 🌍, especially for the blind people.
Nice article 🌻


You are right AI is finding application even in areas of life we never knew about. Imagine a robot answering questions from the blind. Its unlike what we know and this roboguide will go far helping blind people b


Wow man this really is a total game-changer for visually impaired people. This could definitely give blind people more independence and freedom. I hope it becomes successful and affordable


It would truly make a great difference. Just like you said, I hope it becomes affordable once it enters the market. Apart from the potential cost, it would be a super amazing project for the blind.


Absolutely good friend thanks for sharing it, didn't know about it until I read your blog, thanks


Wonderful tech innovation. Yet this will really take time to have dominating use case one reason being the high cost of purchase by individuals. Anyway, let's continue to applaud the positive things tech brings to the table


It will surely take time to gain the confidence of the masses. I also worry about the costs. Besides these issues, its a great innovation


This is really good but needs you to have a strong network. It must be a good one though


I think it wont need network. They built it to work with sensors as the main instrument for vision.


I'm just imagining someone using Roboguide over, Airtel and the rest will decide to go off for two days.
This is a good innovation, I mean technology to the moon isn't it?
