The blockchain and its security risks.



Greetings to all my dear and appreciated readers of this valuable community, continuing with my publications today I will share with all of you a very important topic for everyone and it is about the security risks to which the blockchain is exposed and how we can prevent losses of our data and resources within it, security in this platform called blockchain is fundamental and is characterized by being one of the best but always has its risks to be revered.

All users who are part of the technological world know that the blockchain is not only cryptocurrencies and that this technology goes far beyond, the blockchain is a chain of blocks of information that ensures the security and privacy of data and operations that are performed in through this important technological tool. The advent of the blockchain has allowed to improve all data transfer through its decentralized blockchain and even if any point of the chain fails the rest of the chain continues to function and ensuring the operability of the same.

The blockchain has high security standards, these standards are so high that if someone tries to modify or alter any of the nodes of the blockchain can not do it and the information will always remain secure, also if someone tries to modify any block the rest will notice, so this technology is very safe, but however lately there have been some risks that the information, data and / or operations that are performed suffer from attacks by hackers.


Lately hackers have been given the task of violating many of the electronic platforms that have emerged and this ranges from digital wallets to large websites that have great security measures and although the blockchain has not yet been violated in any way there are very high risks that they do, but something if I am sure that they have made attempts to violate their security they have done, which is why we should not neglect the security measures and go applying new measures to strengthen the existing ones.

As a user I know and understand that the risk of being attacked by hackers is latent and that is why I am always alert to any irregularity that may occur, the blockchain is very strong and robust from the point of view of security is invulnerable, but there are always people who seek ways to affect any operation that is performed on the blockchain to steal important information from it and put at risk our resources.

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