El Salvador Proves That There's No Regret With Bitcoin


There's absolutely the trait of rooting bad for someone who engages in a venture that is different from the standards that have been laid down and presently it's digital money against fiat money and El Salvador made the bold move to make Bitcoin its legal tender which the world (world power) frown on and predicted the worse to happen. That's all history as El Salvador exhalted Bitcoin and Bitcoin has exhalted El Salvador.

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The IMF and world financial power kicked against El Salvador using Bitcoin because of its volatility and surely they aren't wrong but wrong in judging the outcome one sidedly, I'm sure it's already clear in their eyes.
The nation El Salvador has paid it's 2023 Bond and with interest worth over $800 million despite the media and critics perception of the outcome of the nation's economy crumbling.

It's not clear as of now how much El Salvador started staking Bitcoin in its treasury although it is clear that the worth of Bitcoin it has has been able to keep the nation's economy afloat which is now a thing to be grateful about. Sometime last Nayib Bukele El Salvador president said it would buy 1 Bitcoin daily if not in November and reaping the reward now. Little wins are significant along the way.

Thanks for visiting my blog till next time.
