Are iPhone prices impacted if China declares war on Taiwan?


44 million tons of Apple products is the value of China's production in 2020-2021, making it the main producer of this brand worldwide. But what many people may not know is that ninety percent of the electronic chips used by Apple, which produces the iPhone, come from Taiwan.

Source: Pixabay

  • What if there is a war we do not want between China and Taiwan? Could this affect Apple's production?

    Source: Pixabay

Indeed, Apple’s production has been affected due to the tense and worsening relations between China and Taiwan, where reports say that the possibility of delaying the launch of the iPhone 14 phone is very likely due to the current conditions between the two countries, but in the event of a war, there is likely to be a deficit in the chips industry for Apple, and therefore this deficit will affect the production of Apple phones, and their quantity will decrease in the market, which is likely to be more demand than supply, and therefore an increase in prices.

Source: Pixabay

In your opinion, how will Apple be affected by the international sanctions imposed on China?

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An invasion of Taiwan will affect the price of everything that contains a microchip. This include phones, computers and even cars.

Taiwan is also the primary producers of bicycles and bike parts. That industry will be affected.

Sadly, I fear that the ruling elite in the US are more interested in conserving markets than they are in conserving liberty; so the ruling class is probably looking at ways to give Taiwan to China without affecting the precious industries on the island.


I did not think about this possibility before, but after reading your comment, I highly recommend this scenario, especially since the world has now seen that Russia and China can take risks.
Thank you
