The information age through technology - The blockchain is here to stay "

We live in a reality where immediacy has become increasingly important for society, and in this digital revolution, the way in which people relate to each other has changed, and because of the pandemic, this relationship lived at a distance has become real, the internet in turn is being able to supply human needs.


Even before the pandemic, people did not feel the need to be closer to friends, family ... they talked a lot more through the whatsapp app, and nowadays these same people are sad, many of them isolated with longing to be close to people. people and most of the time they can't. Life has changed, everything has changed, with every year everything changes, it is too strange to deal with this situation, but it has been necessary. Who loves protect!

Blockchain technology "

The purpose of computer networks is to allow the exchange of data between them and the sharing of hardware and software resources. The internet is the largest conglomerate of communication networks worldwide, it has vast functions and serves fundamentally to improve the culture and knowledge of human beings. It is an important source of communication, and of financial transactions without banks.

With the internet, easy access to an expressive amount of information from people with different ideas and cultures can influence people's moral and social development. The emergence of this network adds a lot to globalization, bringing together information from different cultures and helping to change the way people think.

It is possible to perceive evolution in the technology more and more comprehensive, since the internet has reached a new prominence with the tool that is proving indispensable for human use, blockchain technology is necessary for everyone, this chain of blocks is a great database, public, remote and inviolable, in which digital files of all kinds can be registered.

The blockchain system maintains authenticity ensured in addition to being determined by a code, and the "chain" becomes a cheaper, transparent and accessible alternative than the conventional version of the system.

The blockchain presents good potential for large-scale applications, in the short term, it is the most perfect database management that exists in the current market, this technology is the only way to make internal processes lighter, as it facilitates the identification of frauds and makes it difficult to enter the market for stones from conflict areas.


Is the internet a source of leisure and income?

Yes, many take advantage of it to access and download music, movies or just to access content of interest such as news about blockchain, coins, and blogs like hive, Leofinance and in general. A variety of applications are available free of charge for a variety of purposes, from communication forums to travel planners. Many pages allow people to exchange ideas and have new experiences, or simply seek leisure.

These advances in technology today allow for easy exchange of content, which a few years ago had limitations. Blockchain technology has changed society, with important aspects and characterization, for all the facilities we find, because we don't need to go to banks because everything can be solved at home with just a cell phone or computer.

Many have their sources of income only from the internet, mining new currencies that arise, either investing or reinvesting their profits and generating more profits, others post on the platforms and earn from it also without leaving home. But of course, for this to happen in fact it is necessary to have a good game planning and strategy.

Pandemic lockdown "

Among the services that have been acquiring more and more growth, the market is the online shopping and sales tool, because many businesses are closed and because they cannot keep making agglomerations, many people are joining these services that have become fundamental today.

Society modifies the Internet so that it adapts to its daily uses, principally in things that could be done without leaving home, such as communication and banking services, whether by creating totally new products to satisfy the needs and desires of society, such as social media.

In any case, the internet today is inseparable from society, because it created things that people are getting used to living only through it and has been changing more and more and even eliminating the old structures.

Technology is the fundamental key to human experience, those who do not adhere to new technologies are left behind, and the pandemic has shown this to all of us.

Until next time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
