Two (2) important things you must avoid for a long and healthy life.

Humans are wonderful creatures that have more potential than all creation. The ability to think and make decisions that affect others makes us different from animals.

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I remember as a kid when I heard a parrot speak and I said to myself, this parrot must be a human too but later I discover many other animals have some attributes of humans. The way some mammals protect their offspring, the way the kangaroo keeps its offspring in her pouch and makes it warm, all these things are the things we humans do but the main factor that makes us different from the animals is the ability to think.

Now tell me, why aren't we living in a society that is prosperous and healthy? Today I will be sharing with you all two important things you must avoid for a long and healthy life.

Two things you must avoid


There are so many words of wisdom about pride like

Pride goes before a great downfall

Proverbs 16:18 declares, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes.

There are just so many. Now, What is pride?

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Mary Fairchild, define pride as

pride is a heart attitude expressed in an unhealthy, exaggerated attention to self and an elevated view of one’s abilities, accomplishments, position, or possessions.

One thing I have come to understand is that pride will never take you anywhere. You can be the best person at what you do or the most knowledgeable in your field of study or at work but when pride is involved in the things you do, it will only be an amount of time before your downfall. Your education can take you places and put you at the top but it takes character and humility to keep you remaining at the top.

Off the record: I guess the crypto market has a lot of pride because of the attention given to it that's why it has fallen now.


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According to Merriam Webster dictionary, it defines addiction as

a compulsive, chronic, physiological, or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence: the state of being addicted

A simple definition is

a strong inclination to do, use, or indulge in something repeatedly

There are many ways one can be addicted, most time when people hear addiction the first thing that comes to their mind is DRUGS. I'm glad to inform you today that a drug isn't the only thing that one gets addicted to, you can get addicted to anything as long as you can't control the urge to use or stop using it. Nowadays, most people are addicted to their phones.

The time that is meant to be spent on the outside world is now spent on the virtual world, meanwhile, there is countless opportunity that is out there which are yet to be tapped.

I'm not saying there isn't any opportunity in the virtual world but once you get addicted to it, you will miss the opportunity on both sides.

A poor man who doesn't have enough money to feed his family but is addicted to drinking will never think twice before he spends the little he has on drinking. Addiction will never make a person think straight. Addiction is the same with both gender, either male or female.

These two things are some of the things that one must avoid to have a healthy life, not just for you but for the people around you. You need to know how to control your pride and ego because it will profit you nothing. Also, addiction can cripple a person's financial life so try all possible ways not to get addicted to anything.

Thanks for reading... I remain my humble self @fashtioluwa


You said it well. Pride and addiction are killers of one's dream. Although it looks like pride and addiction are no longer working against the system in this our current age, but they're hugely having their ways


That was very interesting. Question, do you think there are any situations where pride can be a good thing?


I don't think there is any situation where pride can be a good thing but a wise man once said

Everything can be used in a good way even the bad things.. Just like ying and yang.

One thing I know for sure is, too much of everything is bad.. Too much pride is bad


That's a good quote. Thanks for sharing it. Yes, too much of anything is bad. I'm going to ask another question because we're engaging, and engaging on Hive is good, lol.

Do you think there's a difference between self-respect and pride? Self-respect is always seen as positive and the latter is always seen as negative.


Yes, there is different between the two.
Self-respect is when a person does things based on their dignity. Something that can't be bought and one must respect without telling them.

While pride is the representation of ones ego. They believe people should respect them because of what they have or know...


I like it. I'm just going to play devil's advocate because we're having an interesting discussion. This exercise can help us discover more content to write about too.

Can dignity only be linked to self-respect, or can there be dignity in pride? Like, what about pride for ones nation? Or pride for ones children?


Dignity can not be identify to pride and the pride for one nation is the kind of pride for dignity, not the kind with an ego.

Imagine you an India man who is an ambassador in a Pakistan and you're to emanate a form of pride... You will have to go with the one of dignity than that of ego because of you do that of ego, your safety itself isn't guaranty... You will be like a nuisance to the Pakistan


quite an interesting insight that definitely holds truth to it, i appreciate reading this perspective of yours, thank you for sharing your article on this 🙂
