Mystery in mushrooms🍄🕵️‍♂️ / Misterio en los hongos🔬🧠

Hello science addicts! Today we are going to see the curious and mysterious side of one of the most extraordinary kingdoms on the planet, to date more than a million species of "mushrooms" have been discovered and an incredible "10%" can barely be edible, like these organisms Eukaryotes do not have "chlorophyll" and are not capable of making their own food. We are going to collect some mushrooms and look at them under the microscope because there is something YOU NEED TO SEE...📖🧪🧬

Hola adictos a la ciencia! hoy vamos a ver el lado curioso y misterioso de uno de los reinos mas extraordinarios del planeta, hasta la fecha se han descubierto mas de un millon de especie de "hongos" e increiblemente un "10%" apenas pueden ser comestibles, como estos organismos eucariotas no presentan "clorofila" no son capaces de fabricar su propio alimento. Vamos a recolectar algunos hongos y verlos en el microscopio porque hay algo QUE NECESITAS VER....🌏🤔📚🍄

Amazing organisms🕵️‍♂️📚/Increibles organismos🙇‍♂️🍄

Here we see two important structures in the mushrooms, we start with the hat, which is the outermost part and has a more protective function, this structure has different shapes and colors! the cap protects the spores that will later help the mushroom to develop, this area is called "hymenium".📚🤔🧬
Aqui vemos dos estructuras importantes en las setas, comenzamos con el sombrerillo que digamos que es la parte mas externa y que tiene una funcion mas protectora esta estructura presenta diferentes formas y colores! el sombrerillo protege a las esporas que posteriormente ayudaran a la seta a desarrollarse, esta zona se llama "himenio".🧠🔬🧪🍄

The sheets are the "hymenium partitions", on the vertical faces the basideos are formed, which are microscopic structures where the spores are produced, there are mushrooms that produce a second layer of sheets to give twice the protection to the spores! We could summarize that the hymenium is the reproductive part of the mushrooms, Biologists express that this is the most important structure of the fungi because the spores are produced here and we will see it below!🧫🧬🧠
Las laminas son los "tabiques del himenio", en las caras verticales se forman los basideos que son estructuras microscopicas donde se producen las esporas, hay setas que producen una segunda capa de laminas para dar el doble de proteccion a las esporas! podriamos resumir que el himenio es la parte reproductora de las setas, los Biologos expresan que esta es la estructura mas importante de los hongos porque aqui se producen las esporas y ya la veremos a continuacion!📚🤔😮📖

The basidia are "microscopic" structures that end up fulfilling a "mother cell" job, they are located at the ends of the "lamellae of the hymenium", as you can see in the graphic image, 4 spores are formed at each end of the basidia " sexed", they can present different types of colors, from brown to pink. I am very happy because you can see the basidia in the cut I made of the mushroom!🕵️‍♂️📚🤔
Los basidios son estructuras "microscopicas" que acaban por cumplir un trabajo de "celula madre", se ubican en los extremos de las "laminillas del himenio", como puedes ver en la imagen grafica en cada punta de los basidios se forman 4 esporas "sexuadas", ellas pueden presentar diferentes tipos de colores, desde marrones hasta rosadas estoy muy contento porque pueden verse los basidios en el corte que hice de la seta!🧠🧫📖🔬

The nutrition of the fungi depends on themselves and that is why they produce enzymes abroad that allow them to absorb nutrients from the external environment! They are organisms that are neither "plants nor animals and that is why they were grouped into an independent kingdom", they are so varied that thanks to them medicine has evolved a lot in recent times... If not... What would we say about medicine? penicillin...🧫📖🧠
La nutricion de los hongos depende de ellos mismos y por eso producen unas enzimas al exterior que les permite absorber los nutrientes del medio externo! son organismos que no son ni "plantas ni animales y por eso fueron agrupados en un reino independiente", son tan variados que gracias a ellos la medicina ha evolucionado bastante en los ultimos tiempos... Si no.... Que diriamos de la penicilina...📚🕵️‍♂️🍄

But it's not all good news and as we all know mushrooms can cure some diseases but at the same time they are quite dangerous and even capable of causing death! Mushrooms are quite important in the environment because they are nutrient recyclers, they are literally decomposers of organic matter, and it is very common to see them in humid areas rich in organic matter!😮🕵️‍♂️📚
Pero no todo son buenas noticias y es que como todos sabemos los hongos pueden curar algunas enfermedades pero al mismo tiempo son bastante peligrosos y hasta capaces de causar la muerte! las setas son bastante importantes en el medio ambiente y es que son los reclicadores de nutrientes literalmente son descomponedores de materia organica, y es muy comun verlos en zonas humedas ricas en materia organica!🧠📖🧫

When the trees shed leaves, branches and any other organic matter, it falls to the ground and accumulates, later the fungi break down that matter into micro-macro nutrients capable of being absorbed again by the trees! Among the nutrients released by fungi during decomposition, we could highlight nitrogen. Fungi are true survivors because they can remain inactive for many years and reactivate their physiology when weather conditions are better.📖🧠📚
Cuando los arboles desprenden hojas, ramas y cualquier otra materia organica esta cae al suelo y se acumula, posteriormente los hongos descomponen esa materia en nutrientes micro-macro capaces de poder absorberlos nuevamente los arboles! entre los nutrientes que desprenden los hongos en la descomposicion podriamos resaltar el nitrogeno. Los hongos son verdaderos sobrevivientes porque pueden permanecer inactivos muchos años y vuelven activar su fisiologia cuando las condiciones climaticas son mejores.🕵️‍♂️🍄🔬

The basidia produce thousands of spores already sexed, when the spores are mature the mushrooms open the "hat" a break occurs in the "veil" and they are released and finally these spores can generate new fungi!🛑🤔🧬🍄
Los basidios producen miles de esporas ya sexuadas, cuandos las esporas ya son maduras las setas abren el "sombrero" ocurre una rotura en el "velo" y son liberadas y por ultimo estas esporas pueden generar nuevos hongos! 🔬🕵️‍♂️📚🧠

The most toxic mushrooms on the planet capable of killing a person or animal in hours contain a substance called "amatoxin" due to these toxic properties many are used as pest controllers in agriculture, mushrooms have so many varieties of organisms that one of them is Cataloged as one of the largest living beings in the world, incredible, right?🧤🍄🔬
Los hongos mas toxicos del planeta capaz de matar a una persona o animal en horas contienen una sustancia llamada "amatoxina" debido a esas propiedades toxicas muchos son utilizados como controladores de plagas en agriculturas, las setas tienen tanta variedades de organismos que una de ellas esta catalogada como uno de los seres vivos mas grande del mundo increible no??😮⛔

Very mysterious and strange organisms🕵️‍♂️📚/Oranismos muy misteriosos y extraños🙇‍♂️🍄

I never thought that a fungus could have hundreds of microorganisms, I really felt a little scared because there were not only earthworms, there were also nematodes and you can see them there with their transparent body, I know there are some harmless free-living but others are parasitic insects, mammals and I don't want to know which of them are these! but with my experiment you can see something that is impossible with the naked eye and with this you will be more careful when you capture them.😮⛔
Nunca pense que un hongo pudiera tener cientos de microorganismos, de verdad senti un poco de miedo porque no solo habian lombrices de tierra tambien habian nematodos y puedes verlos alli con su cuerpo transparente, se que hay algunos de vida libre inofensivos pero otros son parasitarios de insectos, mamiferos y no quiero saber cual de ellos son estos! pero con mi experimento logras ver algo que a simple vista es imposible y con esto tendras mas cuidado cuando los capturas.😥😥

There is an interesting fact and it is that few species of fungi can complete their life cycle underwater, so it is common to find them in humid forests, a biological study discovered that the DNA of fungi is more similar to that of the human being than to that of the plants? what madness isn't it?🤔🤔
Hay un dato interesante y es que pocas especies de hongos pueden completar su ciclo de vida debajo del agua por lo que es comun encontrarlos en bosques humedos, un estudio biologico descubrio que el ADN de los hongos es mas parecido al del ser humano que al de las plantas? que locura no?😮🧬🧬

Here we see the plectenchyma that is nothing more than the tissue of the fungi, they consist of "intertwined" hyphae😮🧠

Aqui vemos el plectenquima que no es mas que el tejido de los hongos, consisten en hifas "intrelazadas"📖🧫

As you can see, even spiders can be found in fungi of a few centimeters, which means that these organisms also serve as a mini ecosystem for many small and microscopic animals! normally when you see a species of fungus you don't see others nearby because they produce substances to eliminate their competition!🌏🕵️‍♂️📚
Como puedes ver hasta arañas podemos encontrarnos en hongos de pocos centimetros, lo que hace que estos organismos tambien sirvan como un mini ecosistema para muchos animales de pequeño tamaño y microscopicos! normalmente cuando ves una especie de hongo no ves otros cerca porque producen sustancias para eliminar a su competencia!📚🕵️‍♂️🌏


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I enjoyed the spores in the microscope!
