How Deep Will It Dip For Bitcoin And Major Cryptocurrencies



18 Days Ago, I predicted that Bitcoin was starting a correction that would lead to a collapse until October. Today, April 23rd the down trend has been increasing dramatically and this has been going on a plunge 8 day prior. Historically, when Bitcoin takes a dip all major cryptocurrencies also follow the leader which is Bitcoin.

Due to the crypto frenzy of most young individuals who are in to digital currency it help propelled the Bitcoin price to which it has become over-valued. I say over-valued because of the fact BTC only have a very short track record since its birth in 2009.

Bitcoin and Blockchain technology is still new to majority of the people. Majority of us are still getting to adapt to the digital view of currency. It is safe to say that most people are speculating in cryptocurrencies at the moment. But for sure this technology is here and it is not going anywhere, what happens next is it will just get more popular to the average person as days go by.

The question is: How deep will it dip? Well, we know Turkey has banned Bitcoin lately, and who knows what country is following Turkey next?

Here Is The Article I Posted April 6th.

BOLD: My Analysis Shows Bitcoin Collapses To Lowest By October

History Repeats Itself

Based on the historical charts in July of 2017, Bitcoin's trading performance started a bullish run all the way up to December of 2017. That is a 5-month explosion topping to almost $20k in the charts.

1-Month candles showing similar patterns of 2017 against 2020.

Now, if we correlate that in November of 2020 it broke the 2017 resistance bringing new all time high for the record at $20,100.

And from there it sky-rocketed to new heights.

The bitcoin rise in price was catalyzed by the 3 stimulus bills pumped into the the US and the UK economies. The crypto-investors from other countries bought into the price hype and largely contributed to the price increase, as well. America is the barometer of the world, simply put if America will collapse then surely the rest of the world will follow her.

If you can remember Bitcoin drastically collapsed in March-April 2020 due to the US nationwide lockdowns and then followed by the entire world issuing their own lockdowns forcing the worldwide economy to a halt.

Bitcoin's predicted price after a 'collapse' by October 2021

Bitcoin is over-priced , it is exponentially over valued if you look at it in just a short period of time when it topped $61k. This was driven by mass ecstasy about the cryptocurrency market brought by the stimulus checks, and thanks to the big players like Elon Musk, Michael Saylor, Max Keiser, etc.

Bitcoin Top Investors

My prediction is based on the impending economic catastrophe which will be caused by more and more lockdowns in the future. Yes, the more lockdowns cause more unemployment and more businesses gone to bankruptcy. $33,000 is still an expensive price for Bitcoin, nonetheless.

But don't we worry. Why, because in my analysis and of course the history of Bitcoin always shows once it dipped down to it's lowest level of $33k then a new base will be built and from there it will slowly recover back up.

Bitcoin Will Recover

Bitcoin is here to stay, blockchain is not gonna go anywhere. Bankers will adapt to to it just like what Visa and Paypal are now doing.

My Price Signal for 6-Months

SELL START: 57,400
STOP LOSS: 68,000
DURATION: 6 months

Will you still HODL? Share your thoughts.

Posted with STEMGeeks
