Simple Astronomy Tool To Track & View Geminids Meteor Shower


This is a super dummies tool that I discovered while helping a friend of mine living in a different country to check out and experience the beauty of the cosmos. You will find many tools in this website and it is a website I occasionally use for my research purposes (purely hobbies).

Click On This Link - That's All


While on the website I checked out "Second Life" game ad as a show of support. The game looked like too much for me to bother with at the moment with what is going IRL and my blockchain commitments. On top of all that, I have been spoiled to earn from my games thanks to regular playing of @splinterlands and @risingstargame

Few Notes On Geminids Meteor Shower

  • It's caused by 3200 Phaethon (a near Earth asteroid)
  • It has been called "rock comet" by some due to closely resembling a comet than an asteroid
  • Geminids and Quadrantids are the only major meteor showers that don't originate from a comet
  • You could be seeing 120 meteors/hour or even 160 meteors/hour if really lucky

A Quick Look At The Planets Today

Plenets Today.png

This screenshot is from another one of the websites I like to visit. Everything looks like it is from 2000s (maybe except for the ads) and you could say there is a strange charm to that as well. The website is Feel free to check things out.

Geocentric View


Sometimes you have to take a look at things from where your feet is at. I'd also like to leave a quick tip about figuring out the constellations in the sky. Learn to find Orion. Look for the 3 stars tat make up the belt. This is one of the easiest things to learn and find in the night sky. Gemini is very close to Orion and you can keep a rough map in your head where stars are relative to Orion. So basically Orion for me became kind of a North Star when I want to figure out where things are.

These days Mars has been helping a lot with its reddish glow and somewhat distinct look. Having figured out where Mars is in the constellations can help to easily align my mind map of where everything in the is.

Posted with STEMGeeks
