Migraines: What You Can Do That Might Actually Help


Migraines can be extremely devastating to many people. The pain alone can be debilitating. And when you pair that with nausea and blurred vision, you have quite a cocktail for a miserable day. More than 28 million people in the United States suffer from migraines each year.

Often these attacks go undiagnosed properly and therefore untreated. Yet, when treated, the treatment itself seems to be of little help. With the vascular system being strongly affected the sympathetic nervous systems gets involved of which in turn assists in causing the stomach nausea and intestine cramping. Next coming are the sensitivity to light and noise. It all comes together to bring as much misery as it possibly can to the suffering individual.


Here’s a few ideas that might help you soften and/or avoid them:

  1. Eliminate caffeine from your diet. Become caffeine free. (greatly reduce)

  2. Get involved in activities that reduce or relieve stress such as tennis, yoga or legitimate martial arts.

  3. Try not to over exert or become unusually exhausted.

  4. Eat balanced, consistent meals.

  5. Get enough rest and sleep at night.

  6. Avoid foods that you feel are involved with you getting migraines. Some of these can be: carrots, bananas, nuts. It’s been my experience that bananas are a common trigger. I’m a martial master, not a doctor, but it is something I have witnessed to be consistent. (I am a chi kung healing practitioner – 30 years).

  7. Do your best to avoid conflict. Find a way around direct conflict and become a master of conflict resolution. Become a peaceful warrior.

  8. Join tai chi classes and/or chi kung classes for meditation. Yoga is wonderful for this journey as well. Learn to breathe deeply and effectively.

An meditation exercise that I like is:

  1. Stand with your feet about a shoulder width apart. Keep your spine straight but do not tense it. Relax for a moment.

  2. Begin to raise your hands in front of the body with your palms turning up.

  3. When you reach solar plexus height, your palms will be facing directly toward the ceiling or sky.

  4. At that moment, over turn your hands to face downward and then begin to lower them with your exhale.

  5. Keep your breathing smooth and even throughout the exercise.

  6. Do not tense your chest or other muscles to breathe deeper. Breathe naturally and keep it comfortable.

  7. Do the breathing meditation for about 5 minutes at first (a few times a day).

  8. Gradually lengthen your sessions to about 20 minutes twice a day. Make it “your time” – be your own monk!


Try this chi kung healing posture.

Sit in a comfortable chair but without slouching too much. Place your right hand over your right eye (close your eyes). Do not pressure the eye with your touch. Make a kind of cup with the hand and place it there gently. Then, place your left hand over your left ear with a similar cupping. Leave the hands in that position for about five minutes.

After five minutes, change your hands so the left hand is now placed over your left eye and your right hand is placed over your right ear. (It’s the opposite of where you started is all). Again, keep your hands there for about 5 minutes in cup shapes. Feel the warmth and energy come off the hands into the eyes and ears. This is very healing and relaxing.

This is a chi kung healing posture: it seems to help a lot of people reduce and/or eliminate the symptoms of the migraine. In some cases, it has eventually eliminated the migraine from returning (after time and repetitious self treating through these hand postures plus diet changes etc).

Next, place your left hand on the base of your skull where the neck tucks into the head. Then, place your right hand over your solar plexus. Leave your hands there for as long as you want. This is very soothing and healing. See how long it takes for your stomach to begin to feel less nauseous. Keep your eyes closed for this one too. And, again, feel the warmth and energy coming from your hands to the base of your neck/head and stomach. Breathe relaxed, slow and even. Breathe very soothing.

All of these are comfortable and relaxing things to do. In time, maybe they will help you too. That’s my deepest wish and the reason for sharing them with you here.

I hope these suggestions help bring you greater peace and wellness.

Best wishes to you always.

