Serpent constellation🌌💥 / Constelacion serpiente🔭

Greetings to my friends addicted to science! and of course it was to be expected that today I have a small post where I managed to photograph a new constellation! In total I would say that I already studied more than 15 and you know what is the most surprising? I always learn something interesting about the universe!!! Today we are going to see under my two telescopes what the serpent constellation is like! Actually, it is not as modern as it is said in astronomy books because it had already been described by the famous Ptolemy, that is, we spoke many centuries ago! enjoy my post!👨‍🏫📚👨‍💻

Un saludo para mis amigos adictos a la ciencia! y claro era de esperarse que hoy te tenga un pequeño post donde logre fotografiar una nueva constelacion! en total diria que ya estudie mas de 15 y sabes que es lo mas sorprendente? siempre aprendo algo interesante sobre el universo!!! hoy vamos a ver bajo mis dos telescopios como es la constelacion de serpiente! en realidad no es tan moderna como se dice en los libros de astronomia porque ya habia sido descrita por el famoso ptolomeo osea hablamos muchos siglos atras! disfruta de mi post!🌍🪐


Work tools🌍🪐/Herramientas de trabajo🌌🪐

First I would like to highlight the tools I used to do my little research! it is the SKYMAP cell phone program which is a very interesting tool because it helps to find the constellation in the sky without using "coordinates", then to reinforce the informative material I use my program Starry Night Celestron 8 which is a "licensed" program that I acquired with the purchase of my telescope! with it it is easy to search for a star in real time since it shows the coordinates "in real time"! finally use two telescopes one long range and one more basic! the first was to see the behavior of the star and the other to photograph the constellation with the longest lens!🤔😮💥💥💥
Primero me gustaria resaltar las herramientas que utilice para hacer mi pequeña investigacion! se trata del programa para telefono celular SKYMAP que es una herramienta muy interesante porque ayuda a buscar la constelacion en el cielo sin usar "coordenadas", luego para reforzar el material informativo empleo mi programa Starry Night Celestron 8 que es un programa "licenciado" que adquiri con la compra de mi telescopio! con el es facil buscar una estrella en tiempo real ya que muestra las coordenadas "en tiempo real"! por ultimo use dos telescopios uno de largo alcance y otro mas basico! el primero fue para ver el comportamiento de la estrella y el otro para fotografiar la constelacion con la objetiva mas larga!⛔❗💯



These days I went on vacation to the center of Portugal and I took my telescope! haha for me science always accompanies me even on my vacations! and when I see that my wife falls asleep... I take the opportunity to get lost and look for new things in the night sky! xD, the point of this is that the further away I am from the city the better I will be able to see the details of the stars! and the center of Portugal is one of the most suitable places to do astrophotography!💥💯💥
Estos dias me fui de vacaciones al centro de Portugal y me lleve mi telescopio! haha para mi la ciencia siempre me acompaña hasta en mis vacaciones! y cuando veo que mi mujer se duerme... Aprovecho para perderme y buscar cosas nuevas en el cielo nocturno! xD, el punto de esto es que mientras mas alejado este de la ciudad mejor voy a poder ver los detalles de las estrellas! y el centro de Portugal es uno de los sitios mas indicado para hacer astrofotografia!📚👨‍💻🌌




First of all the best time to study the "serpent" constellation is in summer when the sky is clearest! There are a couple of stories that tell how the Greeks thought this constellation was formed, the first theory is that it is thought that a snake revealed to "Asclepius" secrets about medicine! the other theory is that Heracles fights with a creature in the form of a snake to liberate a city for me both are incredible stories!😱😱
Primero que nada la mejor epoca para estudiar la constelacion de "serpiente" es en verano cuando el cielo esta mas limpio! hay un par de historias que cuentan de como los griegos pensaron que se formo esta constelacion, la primera teoria es que se piensa que una serpiente le revelo a "Asclepio" secretos sobre medicina! la otra teoria es que Heracles lucha con una criatura en forma de serpiente para libertar una ciudad para mi ambas son historia increibles! 🔥🔥🪐





Using my long-range telescope I was able to see how this star behaved! how bright it was, what were the brightness it emits! therefore reviewing the bibliography: first of all it is located in the sky at -16 to +25 degrees "inclination", the constellation has a star that stands out among all for being the brightest, this is called: "alpha star" therefore it is the "Unukalhai or (Alpha Serpentis)", the constellation is very large and to see it in detail we must separate it into two parts! therefore we have: "Serpens Caput" the head! and "Serpens Caud" the tail! In 1930 astronomers were the ones who divided the constellation into two parts! It seems easy to recognize it in the sky but no! this constellation is hard to get because a single star has a magnitude of "3" and that is very high! since negative numbers are very bright stars!😮😮
Usando mi telescopio de largo alcance pude ver como era el comportamiento de esta estrella! que tan luminosa era, cuales eran los brillos que emite! por tanto revisando la bibliografia: primero que nada se ubica en el cielo a -16 a +25 grados "inclinacion", la constelacion tiene una estrella que resalta entre todas por ser la mas brillante, a esto se le dice: "estrella alfa" por tanto es la "Unukalhai o (Alpha Serpentis)", la constelacion es muy grande y para verla con detalle debemos separarla en dos partes! por tanto tenemos: "Serpens Caput" la cabeza! y "Serpens Caud" la cola!, en 1930 los astronomos fueron quienes dividieron la constelacion en dos partes! parece facil de reconocerla en el cielo pero no! esta constelacion es dificil de conseguirla porque una unica estrella tiene una magnitud de "3" y eso es muy alto! dado que numeros negativos son estrellas muy brillantes!🌌👨‍💻


A gift for a friend🌍🪐/Un regalo para un amigo🌌🪐

@enforcer48 I prepared this gift for a great friend who since he entered the community has given me his support and guidance! excellent professional and scientific colleague! Surely you have never seen a magnitude 3 star so close? Enjoy the cute α Serpentis! the brightest star in the serpent constellation! according to the bibliography this star is "an orange giant" of magnitude 3 located at "74 light years" if you look closely at the video you see that it has a slightly orange color!🌏🧭
@ enforcer48 prepare este regalo para un gran amigo que desde que entre en la comunidad me ha dado su apoyo y orientacion! excelente profesional y colega cientifico! seguramente nunca habias visto una estrella de magnitud 3 tan cerca? difruta de la linda α Serpentis! la estrella mas brillante de la constelacion de serpiente! segun la bibliografia esta estrella es "una gigante anaranjada" de magnitud 3 situada a "74anos luz" si observas bien el video ves que tiene un color un poco anaranjado!👨‍💻📚💥


alpha star🌍🪐/estrella alfa🌌🪐



Continuing with the description of the alpha star! I would also like to add that it has an exact magnitude of 2.65, we can see it with the telescope because it is fifteen times larger than our sun!🤯🤯
Continuando con la descripcion de la estrella alfa! me gustaria tambien agregar que presenta una magnitud exacta de 2,65, la podemos ver con el telescopio porque es quince veces mas grande que nuestro sol! 💥💥


alpha star🌍🪐/estrella alfa🌌🪐





I can't compare myself with NASA's telescopes but I certainly loved my photo to see how the star is orange, big and how it compares to our sun!🧡

No puedo equipararme con los telescopios de la NASA pero sin duda me encanto mi foto da para ver como la estrella es anaranjada, grande y como se compara con nuestro sol!🌌🔥


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Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 104 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I really wish I could learn how to take the lovely captures you share which is really beautiful and nice. Keep up the good work @oscurity.


Impressive setup! Your post has a lot of detail to it which is great.

I do have a star named for me up there somewhere. Hehehe


