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The topic of Nematodes always leaves me sensitive, I think that many people fear nematodes because they are so small that it is difficult to predict when we will run into one! we can try to avoid it with good hygiene and applying other practices! but I am sure that all of us had to deal with one of them at some point in our lives! I was very surprised when I found a parasite inside a branchiopod, at first I hesitated thinking that it was an annelid or any earthworm but then seeing its size and structure in detail I knew that it was a parasite and suspicions grew more and more when it came in my mind the image of the water where I had taken the sample! Stagnant water with a bad smell and no circulation! here these animals can easily complete their life cycle!🤯😮

Siempre me deja sensible el tema de los Nematodos, creo que muchas personas temen de los nematodos por el echo de ser tan pequeños que es dificil predecir cuando nos topariamos con uno! podemos intentar evitarlo con una buena higiene y aplicando otras practicas! pero tengo seguridad que todos nosotros tuvimos que lidiar con alguno de ellos en algun momento de nuestra vida! me sorprendi muchisimo cuando encontre un parasito dentro de un branquiopodo, primero dude pensando que era un anelido o cualquier gusano de tierra pero luego viendo en detalle su tamaño y estructura supe que se trataba de un parasito y las sospechas se hacian cada vez mayor cuando vino en mi mente la imagen del agua donde habia tomado la muestra! agua estancada con mal olor y sin circulacion! aqui facilmente estos animales pueden completar su ciclo de vida!🤔😬😥


There were some situations that caused me concerns in this short experience, first because I had the ability to see the nematode inside the branchiopod, so I felt that the situation was controlled in my favor, then I had the idea of stimulating the animal with water movements so that it come out of the shell of the water flea and thus see its body in detail, which led me to make some slow movements in the water sample! and what happened?? indeed the nematode comes out of the animal but I couldn't get it anywhere it seemed that it had disappeared from the slide! and I began to worry because water had fallen on my fingers! At that point I already felt that I did not have absolute control of the situation! I immediately started using alcohol on my hands to avoid any bad experience on my body! I think I sat down to reflect a bit because a nematode can reach up to 1cm but this one was basically invisible so at that point I lived the experience of how something so small can cause fear in us!😬😌
Hubieron algunas situaciones que me provocaron inquietudes en esta corta experiencia primero porque tenia la capacidad de ver el nematodo dentro del branquiopodo por lo que sentia que la situacion estaba controlada a mi favor, tuve luego la idea de estimular al animal con movimientos de agua para que saliera del caparazon de la pulga de agua y asi ver con detalles su cuerpo, lo que me llevo a realizar unos movimientos lentos en la muestra de agua! y que sucedio?? efectivamente el nematodo sale del animal pero no lo conseguia en ningun lado parecia que se habia esfumado del portaobjeto! y comence a preocuparme porque habia caido agua en mis dedos! en ese punto ya sentia que no tenia control absoluto de la situacion! inmediatamente comence a usar alcohol en mis manos para evitar cualquier mala experiencia en mi organismo! creo que me sente a reflexionar un poco porque un nematodo puede llegar hasta 1cm pero este era basicamente invisible entonces en ese punto vivi la experiencia de como algo tan pequeño puede causar temor en nosotros!🤯🔬👨‍🏫


Actually there is not much to fear on this subject because of the more than 100,000 species that inhabit the planet a small number are harmful to us, identifying a nematode is easy because its body is very peculiar and it is easy to differentiate from earthworms because these last ones have a body with segments! and it is clearly that in the photo and the video we see the parasite with a non-segmented body, the difficult part among microbiologists is to differentiate the species because they are quite similar! and it is a nightmare to identify them when they are in free life like this one that I have captured! As you can see in the photos, they are very active animals with serpentine movements, they stir up everything in their path, feeding on algae, detritus, or other animals! as in nature there are always exceptions some nematodes can measure up to 8 meters they live in the placenta of the "sperm whales" finally we can see a dimorphism since there are separate sexes and there are almost always variations in the size of the male and female!🔬🧠
En realidad no hay mucho que temer sobre este tema porque de las mas de 100.000 especies que habitan en el planeta un pequeño numero son perjudiciales para nosotros, identificar un nematodo es facil porque su cuerpo es muy peculiar y es facil de diferenciar de las lombrises porque estas ultimas tienen un cuerpo con segmentos! y es claramente que en la foto y el video vemos al parasito con un cuerpo no segmentado, la parte dificil entre los microbiologos es diferenciar las especies porque son bastante parecidas! y es una pesadilla la identificacion de ellos cuando estan en vida libre como esta que e capturado! como ves en las fotos son animales demasiado activos con movimientos serpenteantes remueven todo a su paso alimentandose de algas, detritus, o resto de animales! como en la naturaleza siempre hay exepciones algunos nematodos pueden medir hasta 8metros viven en la placenta de los "cachalotes" por ultimo podemos ver un dimorfismo ya que hay sexos separados y casi siempre hay variaciones en el tamaño del macho y la hembra!👨‍🎓🧬🧫🔬


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Atlas de los microorganismos Streble / Krauter 1987.

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Actually there is not much to fear on this subject because of the more than 100,000 species that inhabit the planet a small number are harmful to us

Lol I am a little bit scared but lovely post as always


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 94 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Nematodes are creepy creatures. Whenever I come across one, I feel like something is crawling up my skin.... Eww!


I always get scared cause there is no way to know that got it until it takes effect but anyway great post as always


I am impressed by how you managed to see this. Without your red circle around it, I would not have noticed anything suspicious on the picture. I guess this comes with experience... ;)


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