Did you know??😱🐳 / Sabias que??🧠📚

Hello science lovers!!! today visit a unique museum in Portugal and it is the whale museum in the central town of madeira, there are really many interesting things that we do not know about these huge animals that according to science have been the largest mammals that have existed on earth! Whales are marine cetaceans that differ from fish because they do have warm blood "like us", join me in my little experience in the museum!🧠🐳

Hola amantes de la ciencia!!! hoy visite un museo unico en Portugal y se trata del museo de la ballena en el casco central de madeira, realmente hay muchas cosas interesantes que desconocemos de estos enormes animales que segun la ciencia han sido los mamiferos mas grandes que han existido en la tierra! las ballenas son cetaceos marinos que se diferencian de los peces porque estos si tienen sangre caliente "como nosotros", acompañame en mi pequeña experiencia en el museo!🧭👨‍💻🙇‍♂️

What do we know about whales?👨‍🏫🐳 / Que sabemos sobre las ballenas?🙇‍♂️📚

Normally we have all heard about whales, but few know that these huge cetaceans breathe through lungs "just like us", and that at the moment of having calves they give birth to them alive and like a baby mammal they feed on "mother's milk" a One of the whales' evolutionary tools is their "well-developed inner ear", it is believed that whales use oxygen up to four times more efficiently than the average land mammal! his special toxarica box allows him to navigate to great depths!🐳🙇‍♂️
Normalmente todos hemos oido hablar sobre las ballenas, pero pocos conocen que estos enormes cetaceos respiran mediante pulmones "igual que nosotros", y que al momento de tener ballenatos los paren vivos y al igual que un bebe mamifero se alimenta de "leche materna" una de las herramientas evolutivas de las ballenas es su "oido interno bien desarrollado", se cree que la utilizacion de oxigeno por parte de las ballenas es hasta cuatro veces mas eficiente que un mamifero terrestre promedio! su caja toxarica especial le permite navegar a grandes profundidades!🧠😱📚🐳

These animals can swim long distances and withstand very low temperatures and this is due to their "skin" which has a very dense layer of animal fat that serves as a thermal insulator and that is one of the reasons that led to being hunted to extract the fat. Since it had different uses, evolutionists believe that whales could have evolved from some land mammals and managed to adapt to marine life.💥🐳😱🕵️‍♂️
Estos animales pueden nadar grandes distancias y soportar temperaturas muy bajas y esto se debe a su "piel" presenta una capa de grasa animal muy densa que le sirve como aislante termico y ese es uno de los motivos que llevo a ser cazado para extraer la grasa ya que tenia usos diferentes, los evolucionistas creen que las ballenas pudieron evolucionar de algunos mamiferos terrestres y que consiguieron adaptarse a la vida marina.📚📚🧠

Did you know that some species of whales are attracted to music?📚🐳

We cannot compare the body of a dolphin with that of a whale since dolphins are more aerodynamic and reach great speeds, but whales also adapted morphologically to lose their external hair and transform their legs into fins.😮📚🤯

No podemos comparar el cuerpo de un delfin con el de una ballena ya que los delfines son mas aerodinamicos y alcanzan grandes velocidades pero las ballenas tambien se adaptaron morfologicamente para perder su pelo externo y transformar sus patas en aletas🌎🙇‍♂️

Whales have a hole in the upper part of their body that would represent "the holes of our nose" literally because of the "spiracle" is that these beautiful animals manage to do gas exchange or in short breathe! most of the whales have a diet based on "krill" which are micro organisms similar to shrimp!🦐🦐🦐
Las ballenas tiene un orificio en la parte superior de su cuerpo que vendria representando "los orificios de nuestra nariz" literalmente por el "espiraculo" es que estos hermosos animales consiguen hacer el intercambio gaseoso o en resumen respirar! la mayoria de las ballenas tienen una alimentacion a base de "krill" que son micro organismos parecido a camarones!💨💨

Whale's hunt👨‍🏫🐳 / Caza de ballenas🙇‍♂️📚

Many of us hate "illegal whaling" but many centuries ago this fishing activity was the livelihood of entire communities, more than 300 years ago many small towns depended on hunting a whale to feed the entire community, but back then this practice did not harm the species because it was not "abusive", only in the "XVII" century is that the human being begins to hunt these species in an uncontrolled way, endangering their population📚🕵️‍♂️😱
Muchos odiamos la "caza ilegal de ballenas" pero muchos siglos atras esta actividad pesquera era el sustento de comunidades enteras, hace mas de 300 años muchas pequeños pueblos dependian de cazar una ballena para alimentar la comunidad completa, pero en aquel entonces esta practica no perjudicaba las especies debido que no era "abusiva", solo en el siglo "XVII" es que el ser humano comienza a cazar de forma descontrolada a estas especies poniendo en peligro su poblacion🥩🍗

The biggest problem that the whales had to face is the technological advance in the "19th and 20th" centuries, the boats began to improve and the propulsion navigation was very efficient, hunting a greater number of cetaceans, adding the great demand that led to many species being in Danger of extinction! At present, the trade in whale products is minimal and its meat is rarely sought in the market, causing the populations to recover little by little!🤯🤯
El mayor problema que tuvieron que enfrentar las ballenas es el avance tecnologico en los siglos " XIX y XX" los barcos comenzaron a mejorar y la navegacion a propulsion era muy eficiente cazando mayor cantidad de cetaceos sumando la gran demanda conllevo a que muchas especies estuviesen en peligro de extincion! en la actualidad el comercio de productos de ballena es minimo y su carne es muy poco procurada en el mercado haciendo que las poblaciones se recuperen poco a poco!🤓🤓

Habitat destruction👨‍🏫🐳 /Destruccion de habitat🙇‍♂️📚

Did you know that whales can compose "pop" songs?📚🐳

Whales over the years have had to suffer because of our bad actions, water pollution is one of the main causes of habitat loss for these cetaceans, the main pollutants are "industrial, agricultural and domestic waste", few know but marine pollution causes the growth of red algae which in turn are toxic and kill whales😮📚🤯

Las ballenas con el pasar de años han tenido que sufrir por culpa de nuestras malas acciones, la contaminacion acuatica es una de las principales causa de perdida de habitat de estos cetaceos, los principales contaminantes son "desechos industriales, agricolas y domesticos", pocos saben pero la contaminacion marina provoca el crecimiento de algas rojas que a su vez son toxicas y matan a las ballenas🌎🙇‍♂️

Personally, climate change is the main problem that today affects the ecosystems of whales, when there are changes in water temperature, many sensitive species are unable to adapt to these changes and disappear, affecting the food chain of whales.😮😔🤯
En lo personal el cambio climatico es el principal problema que hoy en dia afecta los ecosistemas de las ballenas, cuando hay cambios en la temperatura del agua muchas especies sensibles no consiguen adaptarse a estos cambios y desaparecen afectando la cadena alimenticia de las ballenas🥺🥺

Another issue that has not been discussed in years is the degradation of the ozone layer, which is also a big problem, this can affect the ability of ultraviolet rays to penetrate the depths of the seas, altering the phytoplankton that is the basis of almost all cetacean food chains.😣😣
Otro tema del que no se ha discutido en años es la degradacion en la capa de ozono que tambien es un gran problema, esto puede afectar a que los rayos ultravioletas consigan penetrar las profundidades de los mares alterando el fitoplacton que es la base de casi todas las cadenas alimenticias de cetaceos.💥💥

Incredibly, there are currently countries where whales are still hunted, such is the case of "Japan, Iceland and Norway", it has been more than 20 years since whale fishing was banned worldwide, but these countries created a "false decree" called " scientific fishing" and it is their justification to be able to capture them and sell their meat!😥😥

Increiblemente que actualmente hay paises donde aun se cazan ballenas tal es el caso de "japon, islandia y noruega", hace mas de 20 años que la pesca de ballena fue prohibida a nivel mundial, pero estos paises crearon un "falso decreto" llamado "pesca cientifica" y es su justificativo para poder capturarlas y vender su carne!😶😶

Among those curiosities that we did not know about these animals is that they can live for more than two hundred years, and an even stranger curiosity is that the "sperm whales" sleep vertically with their heads up, strange right???😁😁

Entre esas curiosidades que no sabiamos sobre estos animales es que pueden llegar a vivir mas de doscientos años, y una curiosidad aun mas extraña es que los "cachalotes" duermen de forma vertical con la cabeza hacia arriba, extraño verdad???😅🤣


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Sources /Referencias bibliograficas:

  1. https://www.greenpeace.org/colombia/quieres-saber-mas-sobre-las-ballenas/#:~:text=Las%20ballenas%20son%20los%20animales,se%20alimentan%20de%20leche%20materna.

  2. https://www.univision.com/explora/10-impresionantes-curiosidades-sobre-las-ballenas

  3. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espir%C3%A1culo_(cet%C3%A1ceos)


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Nice museum and nice class about cetaceans which i love it! One correction, in water is hydrodynamics, aerodynamics is in the air ;) cheers


hey, I hadn't even noticed. thank you for the correction


¡Este sitio está genial! Gracias por esta visita guiada virtual.
