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Well it was time to discover a scientific truth!! With this experiment I got closer to discovering if the family of ciliates or rotifers are more abundant in water samples, I had my suspicions because whenever I see stagnant water the first thing I get are rotifers and many of them of the genus: " mitilina" perhaps my results are very superficial and as a scientist I know that I should make more observations but with my experiment I hope to be closer to the truth! Do rotifers or ciliates abound more in stagnant waters???😮👨‍💻🕵️‍♂️

Bien era hora de descubrir una verdad cientifica!! con este experimento me acercaba mas a descubrir si son mas abundandes la familia de los ciliados o los rotiferos en muestras de aguas, tenia mi sospechas porque siempre que veo agua estancada lo primero que me consigo son con rotiferos y muchos de ellos del genero: "mitilina" quizas mis resultados sean muy superficiales y como cientifico se que debo realizar mas observaciones pero con mi experimiento espero estar mas cerca de la verdad! abundan mas los rotiferos o los ciliados en aguas estancadas???🧫🔬



My experience helps me to identify the species because basically I already recognize them by heart, but it is very important for you as a reader to know the differences between both phyla so that you can also recognize each species, so I recommend you read the characteristics of each phylum before to open the video and between the two to be able to identify each microorganism that appears on the camera! I always like to make comparisons with different environments, first take a sample with algae, and then another one with just water! In general, both phyla are characteristic of stagnant fresh waters NOT VERY DEEP!!🕵️‍♂️👨‍💻
Mi experiencia me ayuda a identificar las especies porque basicamente ya las reconozco de memoria, pero es muy importante para ti como lector saber las diferencias entre ambos filum para asi tu tambien poder reconocer cada especie, por eso te recomendo leer las caracteristicas de cada filum antes de abrir el video y entre los dos poder identifcar cada microorganismo que aparece en la camara! me gusta siempre realizar comparaciones con ambientes diferentes, primero tome una muestra con algas, y luego otra solo con agua! de forma generalizada ambos filum son caracteristicos de aguas dulces estancadas NO MUY PROFUNDAS!!




Well then we describe the rotifers as pseudocoelomate microorganisms and that their size does not exceed 0.5mm before moving on I want to clarify that the most abundant phylum are the "nematodes" and I explained it in a previous post so we will focus the investigation comparing both phylum now that neither of the 2 is the most abundant on the planet! rotifers consist of 2200 very common freshwater species, and this last fact is important because let's remember that my water sample is "fresh and stagnant", the movement in rotifers is not usually with "cilia" most species have a "foot" that is an extension of the body with which they make movements in the water! I don't know if I'm wrong but for me rotifers are faster than ciliates!👨‍💻🧠
Bien entonces describimos a los rotiferos como microorganismos pseudocelomados y que su tamaño no sobrepasa los 0,5mm antes de avanzar quiero aclarar que el filum mas abundante son los "nematodos" y lo explique en un post anteriormente asi que centraremos la investigacion comparando ambos filum ya que ninguno de los 2 es el mas abundante del planeta! los rotiferos constan con 2200 especies muy comunes de agua dulce, y este ultimo dato es importante porque recordemos que mi muestra de agua es "dulce y estancada", el movimiento en los rotiferos no suele ser con "cilios" la mayoria de las especies tienen un "pie" que es una extension del cuerpo con la que realizan movimientos en el agua! no se si estoy equivocado pero para mi los rotiferos son mas rapidos que los ciliados!🤔👨‍💻




When I investigate about the ciliates I find myself with two references that tell us "they are one of the main groups" and this gives us an idea of which one abounds more! the ciliates have more numbers of species than the rotifers with 3500 according to these authors: "Lyn, 2015" ; "Witzany, Guenther, Nowacki, Mariusz, 2016" express in their research that ciliates "ARE ABUNDANT IN ALMOST ANY PLACE WHERE THERE IS WATER" that is, they are cosmopolitan and are more frequent than rotifers! and I was able to corroborate this information since I counted more than 14 ciliated individuals and only 6 rotifers! and finally a ciliate has "eyelashes" that are called "cilia" are extensions of the body that serve to: "feed, move"🧫🕵️‍♂️
Cuando investigo sobre los ciliados me consigo con dos referencias que nos dicen "son uno de los principales grupos" ya esto nos da una idea de cual abunda mas! los ciliados tienen mas numeros de especies que los rotiferos con 3500 segun estos autores: "Lyn, 2015" ; "Witzany, Guenther, Nowacki, Mariusz, 2016" expresan en sus investigaciones que los ciliados "ABUNDAN EN CASI CUALQUIER SITIO DONDE HAY AGUA" osea que son cosmopolitas y son mas frecuentes de conseguir que los rotiferos! y pude corroborar esta informacion ya que conte mas de 14 individuos ciliados y solo 6 rotiferos! y por ultimo un ciliado tiene "pestañas" que son llamadas "cilios" son extensiones del cuerpo que sirven para: "alimentarse, desplazarse"😮🔬🏆🥇




I have to clarify that my research is very superficial and that the data cannot be very exact since for them more samples should be done in waters with different characteristics, but my work can be a starting point for someone who wants to do a thesis or a special grade work with similar topics! count the microorganisms that I was observing, counting an "approximate" total of 14 ciliates, and 6 rotifers, the dominant species in the rotifers was the genus "mitylina" in the ciliates I was unable to identify a dominant species because for this I had to make observations with the immobile animal since they were too small to identify them! Making my observation in 14 minutes of recording very superficially, I can corroborate what the authors described, "that ciliates are more abundant than rotifers in shallow freshwater" ("streble and krauter, 1997").🔬🏆
Tengo que aclarar que mi investigacion es muy superficial y que los datos no pueden ser muy exactos ya que para ellos se deberian hacer mas muestros en aguas con diferentes caracteristicas, pero mi trabajo puede ser un punto de partida para alguien que quiera realizar una tesis o un trabajo especial de grado con temas parecidos! realice el conteo de los microorganismos que iba observando contando un total "aproximado" de 14 ciliados, y 6 rotiferos, la especie dominante en los rotiferos fue el genero "mitylina" en los ciliados no logre identificar una especie dominante porque para ello debia realizar observaciones con el animal inmovil ya que eran muy pequeños para identificarlos! realizando mi observacion en 14minutos de grabacion muy superficialmente puedo corroborar lo descrito por los autores que "los ciliados son mas abundantes que los rotiferos en aguas poco profundas de agua dulce".("streble and krauter, 1997")🕵️‍♂️🧫🧠👨‍💻


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The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism



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Another very nice blog with a lot of amazing pictures. Every blog you write and in which you describe what you do with your microscope is so amazing. Please keep up the good work!



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