How Does Anxiety Affect Your Mental Health


Anxiety affects many people at different times in their lives. Some people may experience anxiety attacks on a daily basis while others only experience anxiety on certain occasions. Examples of common anxiety disorders are generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder (anxiety), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and specific phobias. You may even have several anxiety disorders under your belt. At times, anxiety is caused by a physical condition which requires treatment.

Generalized anxiety disorders are the most common. These individuals are normally experiencing an extreme case of stress or worry that they cannot control. They can be experiencing everything from mild to extremely intense worry or fear. Because these individuals can be so easily startled, they are extremely prone to experiencing physical symptoms like heart palpitations, sweating and even diarrhea.


Panic attacks are another form of anxiety attack. A person who is suffering from a panic attack will experience intense fear or danger that has no rational explanation. People who experience these attacks often believe that the world is about to end and they are fighting an uphill battle. Because of this belief, they will often seek help from a doctor or drug use rehab to alleviate their fears.

Specific phobias are a type of anxiety that is characterized by irrational fears or harsh, unpleasant feelings. People who suffer from these intense feelings will avoid any and all social situations. They may avoid attending work functions or making any personal phone calls. They may avoid any and all contact with family and friends. It is possible for these individuals to live a perfectly normal and healthy life, but they will always experience strong forms of anxiety.

Separation anxiety is another form of anxiety. This individual may avoid any and all interaction with the outside world as they become anxious that they will not be able to cope alone. If left untreated, separation anxiety may actually lead to depression and possibly suicide. If you notice that you are experiencing some of these symptoms, talk to your doctor about your concerns.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an extreme case of anxiety. Individuals who experience PTSD will have an overwhelming sense of security after experiencing an event that causes them intense fear. They may have constant flashbacks and develop physical symptoms as a result. PTSD can be extremely debilitating and requires daily treatment from a psychiatrist or mental health professional. Individuals who suffer from PTSD may develop aggressive behaviors and feel that everything is too personal. These individuals should not be allowed to live alone and should always seek treatment from a mental health professional.


It should be very clear that anxiety disorders can occur in a variety of different ways. However, there are several types that are commonly confused with each other. There are several types of anxiety that should not be ignored and must be addressed. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of any of these disorders, you should seek professional help as soon as possible.

Normal Anxiety - If you are a normal human being, you will experience anxiety in certain situations on occasion. Normal anxiety is usually associated with having to do the proper thing, following your job interview requirements, or even paying bills. Normal anxiety is usually a compliment to how we are as a person and is not a disorder in itself. If you experience intense levels of anxiety that interfere with your life, you may be suffering from a disorder of some type.

Racing Heart - If you are experiencing excessive anxiety while you are being interviewed for a job or have a job interview coming up, you could be experiencing what is called a racing heart. Racing heart is also a symptom of panic disorder and extreme stress. Most individuals experience anxiety while they are driving or engaged in other activity such as heavy lifting. If you are experiencing racing heart problems, you should contact 911 immediately.

Social Phobia - An individual who suffers from social anxiety disorders may feel anxious around crowds of people in many situations. These individuals may feel very uncomfortable when in the presence of large groups of people. An individual who feels anxious around other individuals will often times try to avoid these individuals as much as possible.

Drug Use & Abusive Drug Use - If you are a person who is addicted to drugs or if you are abusing a substance, you may be suffering from anxiety disorders. Illegal drugs such as marijuana, heroin or even alcohol can greatly worsen anxiety and cause physical symptoms that can mimic the symptoms of depression. If you are using illegal drugs, you should consult a medical professional for treatment.


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