Walk At Least 7,000 Steps Per Day


The correlation between movement and health isn’t really something you would be surprised by. But getting the numbers is a good thing as it will allow you to get the most out of it.


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

One of the big questions is how many steps per day should you make. The latest study trying to answer this question is more specifically trying to find the correlation between a certain number of steps per day and a risk of premature death. And as more and more people have smart devices that can count their steps and improve their health.

While in the past, the majority of the recommendations you could get lied between 6,000 and 10,000 steps per day this new research indicates that the lower number seems to be closer to being correct. The study itself started in 2005 and observed 2110 volunteers aged 38 to 50. The volunteers were on average observed for 11 years.

The results clearly show that walking is important for human health. The scientists split the volunteers into two core groups based on how many steps they took daily. They found out that the group that went over 7,000 steps per day had a 50 – 70% smaller chance to die prematurely compared to the group that didn’t reach this number.

And while the number 7,000 steps sounds like a milestone experts also stress that any increase in how many steps you take per day is good.


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I actually think 7k is nothing On a active day i make easily 25k and im just working on a homesteading...
