RE: AI Forensics


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I had never thought about AI stuff like that. That it will be used to figure out the most likely way a crime happened. So cool and a bit creepy at the same time if it was possible to manipulate the AI against or towards certain people.

And the car example brings new meaning to filling out those captchas!


That leads to a good question. Would it ever be acceptable to bring AI determined evidence to court as facts? Would these determinations be admissible? Would they be subject to cross-examination?

Or would they just be used to aid investigators in exclusion like DNA evidence?


Yeah it's hard to know if it will be accepted as fact or as close to fact as possible, in interpreting DNA or other factors in a case. It's harder to cross examine a computer than a blood spatter expert or other expert witness.

If the code written and whatever data has already been seen by the AI was publicly available then in theory the public or judges could tell if the AI is unbiased.

I think if it was allowed into criminal trials in a country there would be a lot of scepticism before it was widely accepted as providing more accurate or fairer outcomes and fewer false convictions.

I could see it being used by police for interrogation "our AI says 90% of the time your alibi won't be believable to a jury given the evidence at this part of the room, so confess and cut some time from your sentence". I suppose that would depend on it being allowed to be used for such purposes.
