One Example Of Regular Expressions Being Used In Google Sheets


Hi there. This is a quick post here. A colleague showed me one way of using a regular expression in Google Sheets. We wanted to find a way to extract one or more digits from text in a cell. Then we were able to use the extracted numbers and obtain total counts through summation.


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Google Sheets' REGEXEXTRACT Function

The main function in Google Sheets that allows for regular expressions is the REGEXEXTRACT() function.

Its first argument is a given text with the second argument as the regular expression in quotes. In the Google documentation , it mentions that regular_expression - The first part of text that matches this expression will be returned.

In the work scenario, the numbers can be extracted with the regular expression \d+ for extracting 1 or more numbers in a given text (cell).


Quick Example

In a short picture example (screenshot) below, I have a list of fruits with their counts in text. (This example is unrelated to my work scenario.) I want to extract to numbers in each cell and then have a total count of the number of fruits.


Using =SUM(A2:A5) would give an error as we have numbers and text. There is no way to add up text.

The =REGEXTRACT(A2, "\d+") formula extracts the 7 from the 7 Strawberries text in cell A2. Continuing this for the other cells gives 5, 12 and 10.

For some reason, doing =SUM(B2:B5) gives 0. To obtain the total count, I had to do long way of addition. That is doing B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 to get the 34.00 (I did number formatting with two decimal places.)


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Thank you for reading.
