Let's learn about microcystis🔬 / Aprendamos sobre microcystis🧑‍🏫

Hello friends addicted to science! I bring you a very interesting post, we are going to study a cyanobacteria for the first time, in this case it is the (Microcystis), we know that bacteria are difficult to identify and for this, high-end microscopes are required, I do not have one but with mine and with some staining tricks we can see these gram negatives with some details and that their energy comes from the "sun" through photosynthesis! I still have a more interesting fact that takes this experiment to another level! Join me to find out what it is!🧠🧑‍🏫

Hola amigos adictos a la ciencia! les traigo un post bien interesante vamos a estudiar por primera vez una cianobacteria, en este caso se trata de las (Microcystis), sabemos que las bacterias son dificiles de identificar y para ello se requieren microscopios de alta gama yo no dispongo de uno pero con el mio y con algunos trucos de tincion podemos ver con algunos detalles estas gram negativas y que su energia proviene del "sol" mediante fotosintesis! aun tengo un dato mas interesante que lleva este experimento a otro nivel! acompaname para descubrir lo que es!🔬🧫

What are cyanobacteria?🧑‍🏫/ Que son las cianobacterias??🔬🧠

Before delving into the microcystis we must know that it is a cyanobacteria, and they are nothing more than bacteria that are "gram negative" the name refers to the color they present, if we see in the photograph that I took it is like a green color with blue! although there are different forms! due to their size they are only microscopic, making their observation difficult! as they are photophyntetic there is presence of chlorophyll!🔬🧠
Antes de profundizar sobre las microcystis debemos conocer que es una cianobacteria, y no son mas que bacterias que son "gram negativas" el nombre hace referencia al color que presentan, si vemos en la fotografia que tome es como un color verde con azul! aunque las hay de diferentes formas! debido a su tamano son unicamente microscopicos dificultando su observacion! como son fotofinteticas hay presencia de clorofila!🧫🧑‍🏫

And what are Microcystis?🧑‍🏫/ Y que son Microcystis?🔬🧠

When the colonies are older they stop growing in a spherical shape🧠

Borowitzka, 2018: defines Microcystis "is a genus of cyanobacteria that contains many species that are capable of creating huge colonies, the most important species is Microcystis aeruginosa, which ends up being cosmopolitan because it is in all parts of the world, being the most studied! They are unicellular and form gelatinous colonies, they have the particularity of floating in water or adhering to the substrate"🌍🧠

Borowitzka, 2018: define a las Microcystis "es un genero de cianobacterias que contienen muchas especies que son capaces de crear colonias inmensas, la especie mas importante es Microcystis aeruginosa que acaba por ser cosmopolita por estar en todas partes del mundo siendo la mas estudiada! son unicelulares y forman colonias gelatinosas, tienen la particularidad de flotar en el agua o adherirse al sustrato"🧑‍🏫

Water quality experiment🧑‍🏫/ Experimento de calidad de agua🔬🧠

This was a small experiment that I did to accelerate the growth of the Microcystis that despite not growing very quickly, the parameters in the water are those indicated for its appearance, the water sample in both places comes from the same water tank! but in one I placed phosphates and raised the hardness so that the water had excess nutrients. I also placed it directly in the sun so that the colonies carry out photosynthesis faster! the first appearances were with a phosphate higher than 40, and a very alkaline pH around 9-10, even though my records are not accurate, it gives an idea of how cyanobacteria need "contaminated" water.🧑‍🏫🧠
Este fue un pequeno experimento que hice para acelerar el crecimiento de las Microcystis que apesar de no crecer muy aceleradamente los parametros en el agua son los indicados para su aparicion, la muestra de agua en ambos sitios provienen del mismo tanque de agua! pero en una coloque fosfatos y subi la dureza para que el agua tuviese nutrientes en exceso ademas la coloque directamente en el sol para que las colonias realicen fotosintesis mas rapido! las primeras apariciones fue con un fosfato superior a 40, y un pH muy alcalino sobre 9-10 apesar que mis fichas no son precisas da una idea de como las cianobacterias necesitan un agua "contaminada".🔬🧫

They are the most toxic🧑‍🏫/ Son las mas toxicas🔬🧠

I had to be careful to study them because I had already read that they are quite toxic. Actually, of the Microcystis, these are the most toxic. Just contact with them should be a reason to wash with plenty of water and clean well. If any animal ingests water with Microcystis, it will It is more probable that "vomit, suffer from diarrhea among other effects", this is due to the chemical compounds that they give off, among which we highlight: "hepatotoxins, neurotoxins, microcystin, cyanopeptolin".🧑‍🏫🧠
Tuve que ser cuidadoso para estudiarlas porque ya habia leido que son bastante toxicas en realidad de las Microcystis estas son las mas toxicas, el solo contacto con ellas debe ser motivo para lavar con abundante agua y limpiar bien, si algun animal ingiere agua con Microcystis lo mas probable es que "vomite, sufra de diarrea entre otros efectos", esto se debe a los compuestos quimicos que ellas desprenden entre los que destacamos: "hepatotoxinas, neurotoxinas, microcistina, cianopeptolina". 🔬🧫

Characteristics🧑‍🏫/ Caracteristicas🔬🧠

Colonial forms "are gelatinous" can float on the surface or be attached to the substrate! At the time of being studied in the microscope they have an aspect: "Circular, spherical or irregular", it is different when taking a macro photograph because there we see them irregular" (Hojun Lee, 2021), they have a cell division by means of " binary fission", and a bluish-green color! When reproduction occurs, the colonies "separate into smaller groups", we can also see them isolated!🔬🧑‍🏫
Las formas coloniales "son gelatinosas" pueden flotar en la superficie o encontrarse adheridas al sustrato! en el momento de ser estudiadas en el microscopio tienen un aspecto: "Circular, esferica o irregular", es diferente cuando se tira una fotografia macro porque alli las vemos irregulares" (Hojun Lee, 2021), tienen una division celular por medio de "fision binaria", y un color verde azulado! cuando ocurre la reproduccion las colonias se "separan en grupos mas pequenos", podemos verlas tambien aisladas!🧠🧑‍🏫

Alcohol resistance🧑‍🏫/ Resistencia al alcohol🔬🧠

It is difficult with a single experiment and without counting the colonies to infer that they have low resistance to alcohol, but if you look closely after applying a drop to the colony, empty spaces were identified, or a change in color, therefore it is very likely that they died.🧠🔬
Es dificil con un solo experimiento y sin contar las colonias inferir que tienen baja resistencia al alcohol pero si observas bien luego de aplicar una gota a la colonia se identificaron espacios vacios, o un cambio en el color por tanto es muy probable que murieran🧫🧑‍🏫

Environmental impact🧑‍🏫/ Impacto ambiental🔬🧠

Over the years these bacteria are becoming more abundant in many lakes, ponds due to "eutrophication", due to the constant discharge of polluting agents into the water, and added to climate change! in the long term there is an effect on the health of the local fauna and even with the human being! (Borowitzka, 2018)🧠🔬
Con el pasar de los anos estas bacterias son cada vez mas abundante en muchos lagos, estanques debido a la "eutrofización", debido a las constantes descargas de agentes contaminantes al agua, y sumado al cambio climatico! a largo plazo hay un efecto sobre la salud de la fauna local e inclusive con el ser humano! (Borowitzka, 2018)⛔🛑


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