Technology In E -Learning :Creating A New Dimension In Modern Education.


"when schools tell students to put technology away from learning its like asking a doctor to save a life with one hand tied behind his back"._Matt Miller.
Isn’t it an impossible scene to watch, 21st century Education being conducted without the help of Technology and Modern Day IT Tools?

It is, of course a great annexation in the field of Education, where students get to learn from all direction, without the help of any mentor or coaches,setting free of any confined curriculum and learning what is useful in the world of knowledge, coming out to solve prevailing problems and establishing a new standard that we see everywhere around us.
My question to you, who are reading this blog out,If our children gets to learn freely from everywhere, understand and feel the problems and make ways to survive from those, what greater part is still closed down from achieving greatness in Education?


Today,you know, we live in the new shaken world where Covid Pandemic is reigning havoc and closed the way to mix with people around you,limited social contacts,no access to have a big meeting and in terms of a live classroom facilities, its been missing to a great thread and students are to confine themselves in households and forced to learn inhouse and family protocols also come by the way.I just cant inagine the scenario, provided that,there is no aid of technology and smart devices that we use,like smarrphones, tablets,PC, Desktop, and Broadband Internet Connection, then what would have happened in the context of Education?
Would there be any path to survive and pursue Education for a longer period?

In some regions of third world country,where families cant provide the necessary fundamental rights,there Education is like a big luxury,they say, but in the widespread practice of democratizing Internet access and Computers, lowering the costs of the products, and making those products accessible to most of the users,there has been a way created in the context.
Education sectors nowadays, enjoy a wholesale reliability to Internet.I see students enter and attend online classes and complete their home works and upload the copy to their class teachers and by the way,learns at least some of the key affairs which is related to the excerpts of their study fields.So,as we see in distance learning, much of the Conventional Education getting driven by the Online E -learning pathway.Thats I think a positive sign for the vision that we have with our students and childrens.

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Now,Technology played a strong pathway for students to continue their study in midst of covid.Those institutions that play vital role to teach technically to make them successful to solve problems, should be encouraged from govt side and other media.Byju,Khan Academy, some of the online platform that consistently regulating contents to teach students.

Adding software learning and coding, helping students to build a constructive sound knowledge will meet up the crisis to enable them become self reliant and continuing their career and living to a long way.

Thanks for reading my blog.
