Increase your STEM rewards with just one simple change.
Good evening to everyone , I have been active on for around 2 weeks now and I really enjoy spending my time here . I have even wrote 5-6 posts and some have got me 120 STEM worth votes . All that aside , this post is to inform you that you can be earning more STEM rewards by just a simple change .
100% author rewards
As we all know , 50% of the STEM on any post will go to curators and 50% goes to authors . Hang on , that isn't true . Actually only if you post from the front-end , only then you will get your 100% author rewards otherwise you will just get 50% of your author rewards .
You posted via say LeoFinance
- Total upvote worth = 100 STEM . On the 7th day ( payout day ) , the curators will get 50 STEM , you will get 25 STEM only ( 50% of author rewards ) .
Ex 2:
You posted via
- Total upvote worth = 100 STEM . On the 7th day , the curators will get 50 STEM , you will get 50 STEM ( 100% of author rewards ).
What happens to the 50% author rewards ?
It will be burned . If you take a look at this week's post by @stemgeeks , you can see it here , see that
@stemgeeks author rewards - 157.997817 STEM
@stemcuration curation rewards - 987.898803 STEM
50% Author Rewards Burned - 2760.708515 STEM
STEM burned for promotion - 0 Stem
2760 STEM was burned because of this.
I personally am okay with this but sometimes I fail to post comments via STEMGeeks. So apart from comments , I am trying to make it a habit that I will hop on to STEMGeeks only to post about it .
Why do you want to loose 50% of the reward ?
The reason I made this post is because I thought there are two types of people here
- Who didn't know about this .
- Post from other platforms because of UI .
STEM is the next big thing on Hive . Stop wasting it and start staking them :) This is my opinion , DYOR though .
Regards ,
Posted with STEMGeeks
Thanks for the calculation! From a curators perspective it's also interesting. Voting non stem geeks post increases the burn. Voting stemgeeks posts increases the value of the project and indirectly the token stem.
No clue what Is better financially!
Well for me both are equally good .
Really appreciate the information. I'm new also but I haven't and don't post much other than the comments. So now I know a little more about token economics. Great article you deserve the upvote!
Thank you @thahodler :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
informative post, i think many people are completely unaware of this
Thank you . :)
Thank you for providing this information. I fall into the first category (I didn't know about this). I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge.
You are most welcome :)