is Voice Search a New way to Search?


We do search every day for many kinds of stuff and probably most of us use Google to search for this since its the leading search engine across the world. Google searches everywhere including our phones, smart assistant, car, and now even on television. With the advancement of technology now the search has also become smarter and from the traditional way to search now we are moving towards voice search. Its convenient and saves our typing time. In fact, I usually don't like to type and prefer to do voice searches. I can search anything with just a command and the result is in front of me in seconds.



Its not just me who prefer to do voice search instead there are millions of users who are using this feature and its because this is easy to use. I use google search on my phone and once I say "Ok Google" then it starts hearing what I say and I can search anything including, information, music, video, location, file, and much more. I also use the Amazon Alexa device that does a similar job for me and all it takes is a voice command. So now we can see lots of innovation with voice search. Voice search is also available on android auto so if need to drive somewhere I can just ask Google to set up the location and map accordingly. It all happens within few seconds and is quite easy to use.

Vixen Labs and the Open Voice Network spoke with 6,000 people in the US, UK, and Germany to figure out how they use their voice assistants. One of the big findings is ubiquity. More than 30% of us now use voice assistants daily, and around 23% of us use them several times a day. Nearly everyone is aware that these things exist. Alexa is more widely used across older demographics, while Google Assistant is also popular.

This is interesting as 23% of people use voice assistant or voice search few times a day. We can say that voice search is maturing and slowly getting more users moving to this function.



We also get Cortana on windows os but its not that much being used like Siri, Google, or Alexa. Apple Siri captures 25% market in this segment however google is a leader and its because it comes by default with android devices and its available easily on pc as well.

I believe that best of it is yet to come however voice search is maturing and now getting more functions added to. Search is not just limited to the search of information instead it does lots more and with voice command we can get many tasks done easily.

Companies now have started investing in technology and voice search is making thins smarter. Smart homes and offices are the best examples where many things can be done with just a voice command. We see that technology is evolving at a high pace so we can expect much more in this segment in the coming years.

Thank you so much

Posted with STEMGeeks


I do not preffer the voice search I donr know why may be I have not emplored it yet. I have seen kids searching content on YouTube using the voice command.
Yes it is very helpful when yiu are engaging with other work like druvibg anf wana set the route on map so just a command and all set to go...
Amazing technology..
