RE: A Case of Tumor Recurrence from a 81-year old Male with Squamous Cell Carcinoma


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Hugh Jackman

Had Basal Carcinoma, I googled this one to confirm but right before doing so, I had a feeling it was BCC since the face was involved. It's the same energy as a word association that comes to mind. SCC can still present in the face but I'll be thinking BCC first than SCC.


You are absolutely right I just did same thing, but I applaud you intuition that already clicked the exact name of cancer.

I further found that SCC and BCC both have one thing common in causes of the disease, which is weak immune system. And according to a Harvard Study it is not as common vs BCC cases, and also treatable at most and lies in between melanoma and BCC.

But, I think one reason is that people in US rush to beaches and soak sunlight for hours which quite harmful, some do it for tanning and some for Vit D. For Vid D a half an hour is enough to soak up the sun, but for tanning it turns out to be fairly dangerous for the skin.

Thanks for proving a healthy reply.

