Let's talk about Artificial Intelligence


When you hear of Artificial intelligence, what comes to your mind? Do you think of computers or robots? You are really not alone if you think as such, I use to be in the same shoes but now, I know better.

Artificial intelligence abbreviated AI is not a new term, it has been studied for decades and it is one of the most prominent technology-related topics in the 21st century. The term was first coined in 1956 by John McCarthy.

The subject used to be one of the most elusive subjects in computer science, but the story has changed now as artificial intelligence is now becoming increasingly influential, rapidly changing various areas in our daily lives and the market for artificial intelligence technologies is now blooming.


What exactly is Artificial Intelligence?

In a simple term, artificial intelligence is a technique that allows machines to perform activities that would have been previously considered to require human intelligence. It is the development of computer systems that perform human-like tasks such as, speech recognition, visual perception, language translation, and decision-making. It is safe to say that artificial intelligence is a computer or machine that can see, speak, sense, hear and make decisions. Perhaps I was not totally wrong by my earlier perception of the subject, after all.

How important is Artificial Intelligence to humans

Artificial intelligence is now becoming very influential in our daily lives including our business operations, it is already getting so vital to our daily lives that it will be extremely difficult to go through the rigours of this life without it in a few years to come. It is nearly influencing every facet of our lives to improve human efficiency and complementing human capabilities. Artificial Intelligence has made it possible for machines to learn from experience and grow to mimic human behavior and actions.

Artificial intelligence is important in all fields and industries including medical science, agriculture, transportation, banking and finance, entertainment, gaming, logistics, military and cybersecurity, e-commerce, manufacturing, social media, education, and so on. This is so because, Artificial intelligence performs high volume, computerized tasks quickly and reliably without fatigue.

Artificial intelligence analyzes more and deeper data with the help of neural networks that have many layers hidden in them. You need to feed the machines with a lot of data because the machines learn directly from the data. And The more data that is inputted, the more accurate they become. Artificial intelligence machines speed up tasks and processes with a guaranteed level of precision and accuracy, which will eventually make the world an error-free place. This level of accuracy is achieved through deep neural networks, which was formerly impossible.

How is Artificial Intelligence utilized?

Artificial intelligence can be categorized into two:

  • Narrow artificial intelligence, otherwise known as the weak AI. The narrow AI is a type of artificial intelligence that is designed to complete specific tasks. It operates within a limited context and is usually programmed to perform a single task extremely well. Machines whose drivers are narrow artificial intelligence function under severe constraints and the limitations they suffer surpasses that of the most basic human intelligence. Narrow AI is all around us as it has received some breakthroughs in the last decade. Examples include speech recognition, Google search, machine translation, virtual personal assistant (the likes of Siri, Cortana, Alexa), self-driving cars, chatbots, facial recognition, and automatic tagging software.

  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a type of AI with general knowledge just like human beings. The machine capable of understanding the world and it has the capacity to learn how to carry out a huge range of tasks. AGI uses fuzzy logic to apply knowledge and find solutions when presented with an unfamiliar task. AGI is programmed to solves the problem without any human intervention. This type of AI has been used in several movies such as the robots in Westward, Skynet in The Terminator, HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey, data from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Domains of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence covers a lot of domains. Some of these domains include Fuzzy logic systems, Robotics, Neural networks, Expert systems, and Natural language processing.

Final words

From the foregoing, it is obvious that artificial intelligence transcends mere robots. Artificial intelligence is taking over the world and it is being used in various sectors and industries from the healthcare sector to the agricultural sector. The future is Artificial Intelligence because it makes life easier for people and it going to make the world an error-free place for all.

Thank you for reading.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence
  2. https://builtin.com/artificial-intelligence
  3. https://www.britannica.com/technology/artificial-intelligence
  4. https://www.wired.com/insights/2015/01/the-evolution-of-artificial-intelligence/

Posted with STEMGeeks


We can achieve true artificial intelligence when we can complete mimic our brains. The strong AI and deep learning may achieved a lot, but it heavily relies on massive data. If we can find a solution to have an AI capable doing a task without that much data, it will revolutionize everything.


We might get there. Technology will always evolve
