

As I wrote in one of my post, change is constant and as time goes on, humanity has evolved. Gone are those days when we write letters or send town criers to deliver messages but thanks to the advancement in technology, we can now send e-mails (electronic mails) in just a blink of an eye. Even though it has been good to us, a problem has arose and still rising fast from the fantastic creation of telephones. It's as if these phones/gadgets are sucking the humanity out of us leaving us to be walking dead and thats a very big problem.


It's a problem because all we go around doing is just press our phones . I am also a victim of this condition because a few days ago I was almost in an incident because I was chatting while crossing the road (I have forgotten about looking right then left and then right again or I might have being carried away by the spirit of phone) who knows. Till now I still hear my mom's voice in my head saying that "I pray that phone won't kill you " am so much sure that most of my peers have been involved in tragic accidents because of the way they use their phones on the road. Some even drive and chat and it results in terrible accidents.


The main problem is that the life in which we are living online is simply a lie and the worst lie is when you are actually lying to yourself.


It has even gotten to the extent that when we see our fellow humans in trouble, all we do is to just take out our phones and begin to take pictures. Where are we headed now, are we not supposed to be our brothers keepers, then what are we doing.

The exposure of adult related contents to minors is currently at it's peak. Since the a child is given a phone, he/she now has access to a lot of contents online. You might say the parent should have trained the child better. But what if they did??

Haven't you been scrolling the web and suddenly a pop up and comes up and it is a picture of a naked woman. I can remember when I was in a bus trying to download a movie and as I scrolling through looking for the best one, all of a sudden I saw a pop up advert of to women with a thong and a man in the middle. I was embarrassed cause I figured people were also looking at my phone over my shoulder. This can happen to anyone. Recently, the USA banned the use of tiktok even though it is for their own reasons but I believe it exposes a lot of nudity to the underaged.

There are so many other negative impacts of the use of mobile phones. To mention a few

  • Sleep Disturbances. Constant looking at your screen can cause you to loose sleep and lead to worst case of insomnia.
  • Privacy Concerns and Surveillance (The reason why USA wants to ban the use of Tiktok)
  • Financial Burden and Overspending which can incase crime rates (theft and others). The purchase of data can lead a person to bankruptcy 😂😂😂

So my brothers and my sisters let's do the right thing, let's not lose our humanity because of the invention of mobile phones. Things are emerging, different ideas I wonder what Iphone and Samsung have installed for us.

I am not saying we should abandon the use of mobile phones. Some of us livelihood is based on the phone. But what I am saying is that we shouldn't let it influence us. Be moderate, set limits for your use, do not let it drive you.

Thank you for reading through. I will like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Has the creation of mobile phones done more harm than good??

all we can do is be intentional.

This post was brought to you by @trojan1



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This is a very popular topic that has been discussed a lot of times. What I would have to say is that everything has a negative side, no matter the positive intent behind its creation.

Talking about sharing things in the internet. It is so true that people would never post the truth about their life. They would only put the side that they wanted people to see about them.
