The Study of Life is What I Want to Teach



Teaching was the least of the things that I want to do but if I am to become a teacher, I would want to specialized on teaching Science in general but if I should narrow it down, it would be on the field of Biology which was our subject when I was at the 2nd year of high school.

Why I Want To Teach Biology?

The simplest and shortest definition of Biology is the "study of life." and when we say life, it includes every living beings that exist and have existed, tracing back to the origin of life and it got me really curious since there were shows on our local TV channel that was airing during that time about Biology. The first one was Kap's Amazing Stories which featured clips from animal documentaries while Hayop na Hayop was a documentary about Dinasours and how they lived. My advisor during that time also uses this shows as talking points during our class which makes the subject more relatable for the students. This shows allowed me to really loved the subject and became really into studying. In fact, I was awarded with the "Best in Science" medal during that time.

So when it comes to the subject I would want to teach, it would be the Biology subject since it was the subject that I was most interested with when I was studying. That way, I can be enthusiastic and passionate when teaching the subject which is why I believed that the students will be able to comprehend it easier. Although it requires a lot of complicated and hard to speak terminologies, it doesn't really involved math on the subject unlike Physics and Chemistry which also make lesser burden for the students as they can just focus on memorization and does not require a student to be a genius to pass as long as they are hardworking and unlike History subjects with limited professions, Biology has lots of branches which requires different types of professions.

Biology at first look mostly involves memorization but when we take a deeper look into it, it covers a very wide scope of study as it doesn't just include us but all the living organism that is known and will be known to man and with the Covid pandemic that we currently facing now, I find this field of study more relevant than ever before as it would fall to the study of Virology which is a Biology branch that deals with Viruses and Microbiology which is the branch of Biology that deals with microorganisms. Early interest to Anatomy will allow us to produce Doctors and Nurses and introduction to Biochemistry among students might lead us to development of a vaccine that would completely wipe out the virus in the future.

But even if there is no pandemic, I still find Biology a very relevant subject to teach as it would give us understanding about how the natural world works including our relationship with other species either it was plant or animal and how sometimes our actions would cause great harm to other species. By teaching Biology, we could teach the future generations to respect life.

Biology has been a very precious subject for me and if I were to teach, it would be the subject that I would prefer to teach. Not only it would allow me to be a more effective teacher, it would also allow the student to have many different options for professions.

Thanks for reading my post!


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You definitely do have knowledge on this subject and that is what counts for teachers to instil knowledge in students.

Biology is one of the subjects I've been studying and still studying, it's an interesting one.


Nice! So many good stuff to learn there.
