RE: Talk is cheap

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Nice one mate, keep you silent it doesn't mean that you did not know what to say and speaking always doesn't mean that you understand what you are saying In order of thought our elders says that "all the question that have an answer but not all the question you will answered" talking always mean that you lack of manners just know what your tongue will uttered and think wise before you can say anything because the world you want to say will transfer to your brain Before you utter a statement
Just be wise and know when and when not to talk

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Nice one mate, keep you silent it doesn't mean that you did not know what to say and speaking always doesn't mean that you understand what you are saying In order of thought our elders says that "all the question that have an answer but not all the question you will answered" talking always mean that you lack of manners just know what your tongue will uttered and think wise before you can say anything because the world you want to say will transfer to your brain Before you utter a statement
Just be wise and know when and when not to talk

Quite agree with you. It is all about knowing the right to make a response and when to totally ignore. Many just talk without first processing it in the Brain, which shouldn't be so. We are to learn how to control what comes out from our mouth at all times and avoid speak rashly when angered even though it might be a difficult thing to do.
