What is Permaculture? Ancestral and futuristic technology // O que é Permacultura? Tecnologia ancestral e futurista

I don't remember if I've ever talked about Permaculture around here, but this is a subject I like a lot, and I wouldn't mind talking again. I thought about this subject now because by chance I picked up a book to support my coffee today, and the chosen one was the book "Permaculture - Principles and paths beyond sustainability" by the concept proponent (one of the): David Holmgren.


For those who live in Brazil, the concept of permaculture seems to be intertwined with a mystical "new age" strand, like a stray arm of the hippie culture that extended to the concepts of connection with the land also at levels of housing and production. This is all beautiful, but it's even a complaint from David Holmgren himself. Permaculture is not supposed to be some kind of esoteric occult thread that only those wearing colorful hand-dyed cloths and braided palm fiber bracelets can access. The proposal of Permaculture is exactly the anarchic progressive and humanist apex, the search for freedom from the shackles of man's dependence on institutions, the mechanisms of capitalism (those that hinder, not those that cooperate). Outside Brazil, this technological line (yes, it is a technology) of studies is not linked to spiritual people with crystals around their necks. But of course, I'm not saying you need to be a mystic here in Brazil to execute it. The only problem is that there is a tendency that only these guys will have spontaneous access to this kind of knowledge. And maybe, who knows, a specific niche of architects and botanists, I don't know.


But what is permaculture, talking directly about the basics? It is the search for understanding natural and creative technologies that make our interaction with the earth much more efficient, deep, connected, permanent and without needlessly devastating it, and more than that, it is breaking the barrier that exists between "you from rubberized sneakers in a shopping mall with 600 white bulbs that bombard UVA rays suffered on your forehead and you barefoot playing on the ground with your child, lying on the grass and seeing beside you that the blueberry plant you planted is already full of fruit, thanks to simple use of a few food scraps that, in place of a garbage bag, ended in the continuous cycle of natural degradation and conversion into a new micronutrient". Was it clear or confused?


Permaculture is literally the re-education of man with nature in the way it should have always been lived, but which unfortunately is not part of our social and educational culture, but which can, with simple steps, be incorporated even at levels of "I I like the mall, leave me alone". Capitalism has its way, I DOUBT that there isn't a mall with permaculture precepts, and if it doesn't, here's your chance to become famous, oh whale that keeps pennies! Go shopping with permaculture precepts and become news! It's sad? No. Better than just being a mall with mall precepts!


This money thing is always very ironic, right? I speak passionately about permaculture and for (at least 15 years) I have a deep desire to experience this culture and learning on earth, in a space of my own. But having the land is the first step, it's the first problem. Apparently, every land in the world already has an owner (what not?), so I need to get an amount of about: 50 thousand POBs, or 11390 HIVEs to be able to buy a land and make my future of research and experimentation living little by little (no fantasy, no daydream) implementations of a little bit of all this. After all, I've lived on a farm for 2 years or so, I know how complex and chaotic it is. Life in the middle of nature is MORE difficult, not LESS. But that's part of it.


But what does such a permaculture do anyway? I can speak words: ecological paint, hyperadobe structure, superadobe, eco-dome, biodigester, earthworm, rammed earth, ecological bricks, septic tank, evapotranspiration, living pharmacy, level composter, agroforestry, etc. But I find more interesting than that, for a layman, I prefer to show some images. The internet is full of beautiful images of bio-constructions that show what those who decide to dive definitively into this complex and rich cosmos that is Permaculture are capable of, and I hope these images serve as an eye refreshment for you, reader. Thanks for your attention and for your vote! If you have questions about the topic, just ask!


Research Sources:
1, 2, 3

Thômas Helon Blum

Divider plant.jpg


Eu não lembro se já falei sobre Permacultura por aqui, mas esse é um assunto que gosto muito, e não me importaria em falar novamente. Pensei nesse assunto agora por que por acaso peguei um livro para apoiar meu café hoje, e o escolhido foi o livro "Permacultura - Princípios e caminhos além da sustentabilidade" do próprio propositor do conceito (um dos): David Holmgren.

Para quem vive no Brasil, o conceito de permacultura parece estar meio interligado com uma vertente mística "nova era", como um braço desgarrado da cultura hippie que se estendeu para os conceitos de conexão com a terra também em níveis de moradia e produção. Isso tudo é lindo, mas, inclusive é uma queixa do próprio David Holmgren. A Permacultura não é pra ser algum tipo de linha oculta esotérica que só quem usa panos coloridos tingidos à mão e pulseiras trançadas de fibra de palmeira pode acessar. A proposta da Permacultura é exatamente o ápice anárquico progressista e humanista, a busca pela libertação de amarras de dependência do homem com as instituições, os mecanismos do capitalismo (daqueles que atrapalham, não dos que cooperam). Fora do Brasil, essa linha tecnológica (sim, é uma tecnologia) de estudos não está atrelada a gente espiritualizada e com cristais no pescoço. Mas claro, não estou dizendo que você precisa ser místico aqui no Brasil para executá-la. O único problema é que existe uma tendência de que só essa galera é que vai ter um acesso espontâneo a esse tipo de conhecimento. E talvez, quem sabe, um nicho específico de arquitetos e botânicos, sei lá.

Mas o que vem a ser a permacultura, falando diretamente sobre o básico? É a busca pela compreensão das tecnologias naturais e criativas que tornam a nossa interação com a terra muito mais eficiente, profunda, conectada, permanente e sem devastá-la desnecessariamente, e mais do que isso, é romper a barreira que existe entre "você de tênis emborrachado num shopping com 600 lâmpadas brancas que bombardeiam raios UVA sofridos em sua testa e o você descalço brincando na terra com seu filho, deitado na grama e vendo ao seu lado que o pé de mirtilos que plantou já está repleto de frutos, graças ao uso simples de alguns restos de comida que no lugar de um saco de lixo, tiveram seu fim no ciclo contínuo de degradação natural e conversão em um novo micronutriente". Ficou claro ou ficou confuso?

A Permacultura é literalmente a re-educação do homem com a natureza da forma que ela sempre deveria ter sido vivida, mas que infelizmente não é de nossa cultura social e educacional, mas que pode, com simples passos ser incorporada mesmo em níveis de "eu gosto do shopping, me deixe em paz". O capitalismo dá seu jeito, eu DUVIDO que não exista um shopping com preceitos de permacultura, e se não tiver, aí está sua chance de ficar famosa, oh baleia que guarda moedinhas! Faça um shopping com os preceitos da permacultura e torne-se notícia! É triste? Não. Melhor do que ser só um shopping com preceitos de shopping!

Essa coisa de dinheiro é sempre muito irônica, né? Eu falo apaixonadamente sobre permacultura e há (pelo menos 15 anos) desejo do fundo do coração vivenciar essa cultura e aprendizados na terra, num espaço só meu. Mas ter a terra é o primeiro passo, é o primeiro problema. Aparentemente, todos os terrenos do mundo já tem dono (que coisa não?), e então eu preciso arranjar uma quantia de mais ou menos: 50 mil POBs, ou 11390 HIVEs para poder comprar um terreno e fazer meu futuro de pesquisas e experimentações vivendo pouco a pouco (sem fantasia, sem devaneio) as implementações de um pouco de tudo isso. Afinal, eu já morei em uma chácara, por 2 anos mais ou menos, sei bem o quão complexo e caótico é. A vida no meio da natureza é MAIS difícil, e não MENOS. Mas isso faz parte.

Mas o que faz a tal permacultura afinal de contas? Eu posso falar palavras: tinta ecológica, estrutura de hiperadobe, superadobe, eco-dome, biodigestor, minhocário, taipa, tijolos ecológicos, fossa séptica, evapotranspiração, farmácia viva, composteira de níveis, agrofloresta, etc. Mas acho que mais interessante que isso, para um leigo, eu prefiro mostrar algumas imagens. A internet é um cardápido de lindas imagens de bio-construções que mostram do que é capaz aquele que decide mergulhar definitivamente nesse cosmos complexo e rico que é a Permacultura, e espero que essas imagens sirvam de refresco ocular para você, leitor. Obrigado pela atenção e pelo seu voto! Se tiver dúvidas sobre o tema, é só perguntar!

Fontes de pesquisa:
1, 2, 3

Thômas Helon Blum

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Moving back in time to how it was all supposed to be before civilization occured..

I like such aspects.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Exactly, the world lived in another dimension of productivity urgency before the expansion of the agroecological revolution. We ended up outsourcing standard behaviors that would be ours by nature, such as daily and necessary contact with the land and as much integration as possible with food and housing, etc.


Rightly said.

Have we ever wondered how things would be without all these.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


I like permaculture except the fact that it requires waaay and I mean waaaaaaay to much labor per person. We will drastically reduce our progress if we apply this globally.

I do like it though!


This is not true at all, perhaps at the start, but it is a way of mimicking what works in nature and that is devoid of man and the input of man. Permaculture should require less and less man hours as the system progresses. This actually increases the yield of land over mono culture also. Taking care of the soil could progress humanity greately.


I consider that your thinking is not necessarily wrong, but that you are thinking of production on a global level, following a script that is not the script proposed by permaculture. In the permaculture view, we would not be stuck in this urgent need to provide things to others on the same level as we are now. The idea is to be as self-sufficient as possible, and only seek out the things that we definitely don't have access to. Of course. You can't apply permaculture all over the world at once (maybe you never do), but the idea would be more to make it a basic social education, coming from an early age, including already experienced by parents at home (imagine a reality where everyone has at least "some" home grown foods). Even in buildings, in small spaces, etc. This already makes a huge difference in the child's mind.


I have been using the tag #permaculture for my permaculture posts, maybe you and others should too.


Great, brother. I hadn't thought of using this tag, but it makes a lot of sense. And I'm glad to hear you've written about it! I'll keep an eye on your content when I have time!


This very ecstatic and well thought of and I really like the way you gave insights and description on this and also the photos you took and posted here are so terrific and mind blowing.

You've done very well. 👍🏻

And who knows? I might decide to indulge in Permaculture soon.😜😉

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Permaculture is closely linked to cannabis culture, brother! I hope you immerse yourself a little in this area of study, you will benefit a lot. We are experiencing a natural tendency to look for "the origins" more strongly today.


Oh wow! You don't say! It's a very lovely idea to immerse myself in that area of study but the problem is that having a cannabis farm or even using cannabis in my country is illegal, so that might kill my interest and motivation in trying to study Permaculture.

But not a bad idea at all.

Carry on with the culture, Imma be watching. ✌🏻😎

Posted via proofofbrain.io
