Time traveler, destination: 2121



I confess that I have always found the future fascinating precisely because of its indeterminacy. It is already difficult to know what will happen tomorrow, even the next minute, now to construct what will happen in the world and with humanity in the next hundred years is an act of pure and extreme bravery. But imagination does not understand time and space, so it is very complicated to try to stop the most powerful and free software of any human being: everything that fits inside that infinite universe that is inside every brain.

Considering the above I dare to board my time machine, fasten my seat belt and take an unknown course towards the year 20121; first stop: April 2021.

April 2021:
The first impression of 2021 is that the population is sure that the COVID-19 pandemic is in its last days; in the United States, Europe and Russia the first vaccinations of the population have already begun, around 300 thousand people are inoculated with a series of drugs whose efficacy has not yet been proven or certified by the World Health Organization. In spite of the emergence of several vaccines, COVID-19 continues to be present all over the planet and shows no signs of wanting to "leave the party". Meanwhile, in the United States, the population takes to the streets to protest without knowing why they are doing so. Humm, I'd better go 10 years ahead, let's see, what will 2030 be like?

Year 2030
Pfizer Laboratories announces a new vaccine against COVID-19 that is able to generate (now yes) a real immunity than the first version and without side effects, at the same time they start marketing a new injectable drug against erectile dysfunction called Viagra II which must be refrigerated at less than 70ºC (like the anticovid they presented in the year 2020). On February 2, Huawei announced its acquisition of Apple in the face of the latter's failed attempts to resurrect its iconic CEO Steve Jobs. On the other hand, to avoid another exit of a member of the European Union as happened with Great Britain, Germany buys Italy, Greece and the Island of Majorca (Spain) while giving the countries of Eastern Europe to China, and King Philip II of Spain announces that his father sold the kingdom to Saudi Arabia just before his death. Nine years after the second U.S. Civil War, the parties agree to divide the country into four territories: Republicania (all the central states), New Wall Street (New York and its east coast neighbors), Bibliania (the southern states) and West Pacific (the west coast) while trying to sell Alaska and Hawaii to the highest bidder and divide the profits among the four new countries (so far the interested parties in buying them are Amazon, Alibaba, Huawei, Facebook and Tesla). Japan elects the first Hikikomori ruler who decides to exercise functions from his room in his parents' house. Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Jack Ma are the first humans to transfer their consciousness to a machine, able to live both in reality and in virtual worlds created by themselves.Queen Elizabeth II, the world's longest-lived person also begins the process for immortality through consciousness transfer. The bitcoin is priced at one million dollars at the exchange rate. I better fast forward a few more years, let's see, how about 2040?

Traveler Year 2040
China launches its first satellite to test 9G networks as Venezuela welcomes 5G technology. France becomes the Caliphate of Al-Faransa and joins Sweden's Arab Emirates and former Spain (now Saudi Arabia) as the leading Muslim countries in Europe. McDonalds buys the Island of Hawaii, Alaska is now called Tesland and is ruled by Elon Musk from Mars where he has lived for a year. Japan legalizes marriage between humans and robots, Jeff Bezos runs Amazon from his bunker on the visible side of the moon (the hidden side of the natural satellite belongs to Alibaba). Shanghai, London, Dubai and New York inaugurate the first aerial neighborhoods above the clouds (and pollution), only the richest can inhabit these super districts which are connected to the ground by two pipes: one for food and raw materials and the other for garbage disposal. A man is implanted with the first heart made from his own DNA, while twenty-year-old Muhamad Mussa, one of the world's best soccer players, becomes the first professional to play with robotic implants in 80% of his body. Facebook wins the auction to acquire West Pacific (the former East Coast of the United States) and the Disney Company acquires Bibliania. 90% of jobs in the world are performed by robots and algorithms (Artificial Intelligence). The entire management of Google creates the first smart phone integrated to the body, a device the size of a grain of rice that is introduced through the nose, it is capable of implanting advertising in our dreams, they also begin to sell lots of land in their augmented virtual reality world. Cars in addition to flying autonomously are also capable of generating profits in cryptocurrencies. What a present we have in 2040, I am curious about the future, let's see, 2050, what do you have.

Year 2050
Uprising in China, Alibaba takes control of the country, Jack Ma's conscience takes over the government and celebrates the event with a 30% discount on products sold on Aliexpress. Part of Cuba after the passage of Hurricane Satoshi is still afloat, the rest of the Caribbean islands lie under the sea. Bolsonaro's conscience cuts down the last tree standing in the Amazon and uses it to make a spear to kill the last jaguar in the jungle. Colombia is bought by Mercadolibre.com to be auctioned off; the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is tired of lending money to Argentina and sells it to Blackrock who then resells it in pieces to all investors. Of Antarctica there are only a few snowy territories left, what we know today as Uruguay now lies under the sea together with the Malvinas. Bolivia now has a coastline; they have already received the first cargo ship from the People's Republic of Alibaba. Mexico is taken over by the Sinaloa Cartel which is now a thriving enterprise dedicated to natural medicine. 24 hours after the Peruvian elections, the President is impeached by the congress, the tenth president in a week. Jack Ma and Jeff Bezos sign a pact for the colonization of the Moon, the left side belongs to Alibaba and the right side to Amazon while Elon Musk remains the only person to inhabit Mars. Gee, I better board my time machine and now I'm on my way to 2060.

Year 2060
It's getting warmer and warmer on the planet, what used to be Alaska is now a tropical paradise, polar bears only exist on youtube. The first soccer world cup is played between androids, Japan elects its first virtual president: Goku from Dragonball wins by 200,000 votes over Freezer while the latter refuses to recognize that he lost the election and announces that there is fraud. The most important people in the world live between the sky and the virtual universe of Google where they take a relaxing vacation in their various "virtuaresorts", the less poor in the few spaces that are not yet under water and the poorest among the islands of plastic and garbage that float everywhere collecting waste from the pipes of the aerial cities. The Russian mafia takes control of that country but keeps Putin's conscience in the presidency. The bitcoin surpasses 1.5 million of the value of a currency formerly known as the dollar. The last remaining free elephant in Africa dies, only scavenging animals succeed on that continent. I don't like the way this story is going but we must go on, come on 2070, show yourself to me.

Year 2070
Most of Canada has melted, now the maps show that country smaller than it really was, Greenland is barely an island the size of Iceland while the Atlantic swallowed it. The construction of the "Mini Sun" begins in space, an ambitious project that aims to create an electric power plant almost the size of the moon, which will operate with solar radiation. This reactor is part of the "NOE" project, which consists of the creation of a kind of solar system consisting of three artificial planets that will serve as a spaceship where part of the living beings that inhabit the polluted earth will be transferred, its purpose will be to initiate the eventual exodus to another world scheduled for the year 3020. NOE is funded by Amazon, Alibaba, Google and Facebook. Elon Musk and Tesla are still waiting for someone to buy their plots of land on Mars.

Year 2080
Automobiles and other machines are able to receive and manage credit and all kinds of financial transactions on their own, they can purchase goods and services without human authorization as well as make investments in the stock market. Blenders own human cafeterias, cabs are also cab drivers, tractors buy farms, airplanes replace pilots (and those who control drones). The fifth Formula 1 season without pilots takes place. More and more humans replace their defective organs with biomechanical parts adapted to their bodies and needs. Most food is made in laboratories instead of kitchens, meat is synthetic, animal farms no longer exist and vegetables are more the work of science than of God. Women and men no longer require sex to gestate their children (at least rich people do), they go to fertility clinics, have a DNA sample extracted, combine it with that of their partner (male or female) if they wish, and after nine months they return to look for their little offspring (or clone). The great monuments of antiquity (Egyptian Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, among many others) are moved to aerial cities.

Year 2090
A human policeman murders a robot using an electromagnetic pulse weapon, the world is outraged at the obvious act of violation of robotic, human, transhuman and humanoid rights. Protests are not long in coming around the world: "ROBOTIC LIVES MATTER". Aerial cities have the ability to mobilize, no longer dependent on "grounding". From below the picture is bleak, overpopulation, pollution, discarded machines and humans, violence and darkness, the ability to survive under such conditions is astonishing. Inequality is palpable, many humans, humanoids, transhumans and robots were able to adapt to survival under the ground creating cities and even countries miles away from the earth's surface, far from the influence of the masters of the air. Those above need those below, they are essential to maintain their status of life, especially to acquire from them the minerals and elements that they cannot replicate in the heights. The first war of the surfaces begins. There is no denying that no matter how sophisticated and modern we are, wars are always in the picture of history on Earth.

Year 2100
The masters of the sky returned to Earth like gods descending from Olympus, with their advanced technology they ensured the control of the "moles", these although weakened continue to fight for their total independence from those above, however the destruction generated by both sides has worsened the climatic and environmental situation on Earth (for a change). Both sides were forced to sign a peace treaty pledging not to attack each other with the most destructive and lethal weapons ever created. Meanwhile the NOE project continues to advance slowly, from Earth you can see how step by step the small sun is taking shape, life on Earth is preparing to explore other worlds, except Mars, where Elon Musk lives and nobody wants to visit.

Year 2110
Twenty years have passed since the last time sunlight could be observed, due to surface warfare, humans below no longer surface due to toxic pollution from lethal gases surrounding the earth's atmosphere. The seas stink and fresh water only exists in a few very deep wells. The situation above is not easy either, the effects of the foul atmosphere reach the big cities from where the process of colonization of the Moon has begun with the permission of Amazon and Alibaba, masters of the Earth's natural satellite. It should be noted that Elon Musk used his own DNA to clone himself, thus forming the first human colony outside the Earth.

Year 2120
Practically nothing lives on earth, the genetic codes of each species have been saved and shared between the companies Amazon, Google, Alibaba and Facebook, the latter true to its style sells them to Tesla (Elon Musk), now both on the Moon and on Mars there is not only human life but also other species. Humans on the Moon and Mars differ greatly from what we knew just a century ago, they seem more like living machines than flesh and blood beings. The few that inhabit the sphere that was once blue and full of life do so underground, perhaps because of the natural resilience of the human race or because of the hope of repopulating the surface when the decontamination process is overcome. The time travel came to an end, the future does not seem at all encouraging if we consider everything that has happened in this story, however by telling my experience of returning to the present I maintain the hope that when my relatives face the 22nd century it will not be remotely the same as the one we visited in this story.


Posted via proofofbrain.io


fasten my seat belt and take an unknown course towards the year 20121

I think you need to write more decades then 😉

But seriously tho, here are my predictions for the future:
What Bitcoin is teaching me is that our perception of the world will be completely different because of our changes of habits. We will be able to stream money (receive our salary and pay our house every second, ...). Every piece of information will be valuable, meaning that teaching something to your friend could actually have a price. We will store wealth and shift from a consumption society.

This is all stuff that is difficukt to describe because it brings new notions, but I truly believe in them. I have no clue wen it will happen, and it might not happen as obviously this is just my opinion.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Your opinion is quite accurate, and I'm sure I missed decades but I think I would have to write a multi-volume book to capture everything I think about the future. But seriously now, I think cryptocurrencies will mean that everything around us, i.e. our homes, cars or appliances will produce money as we use them. The house of the future will provide some tokens to pay for itself.

Posted via proofofbrain.io
