The Age of Technology: The Importance of Electronic Devices - Part 2-


Times ago when there was no computer or cell phone, people were used to communicating more in person, physically. Newspapers, magazines, letters and television were part of the daily or almost daily programming. But over time, with the improvement of technology and the introduction of computers and cell phones, it ended up transforming forever the way of communicating with each other, opening borders and broadening horizons.


Who never took an entire afternoon to read a book, sketching an adventure in the imagination or focused on an article described in magazines, newspapers, underlined, cut and saved, who never... These were the means of communication but present in the daily lives of each a long time ago before the digital age, television was the channel that generally transmitted the news faster, but with a delay of a few minutes or even hours to bring it to viewers, in case the occurrence was too far away. Oh, and not to mention that to communicate with someone, distantly related, the only way was through letters, since few people at that time had telephones in their homes. Some say that the letters took days to reach their destination, or even months.


However, thanks to advances in technology, it was possible to develop home computers and later cell phones, which had a positive impact on world communication. The messages that were previously carried through letters, became instantaneous, that is, you can talk simultaneously with one or more people who live on the other side of the world, the news is propagated in real time by digital and television channels. We can have access to a bank account, social networks, through a single cell phone, that is, the control of everything is practically in our hands. Compared to the time it took to move to get the same result, obviously.


In the midst of the digital age, we can say that we are hostages to computers, cell phones, television, etc; since it would be almost impossible to live without them, as we sometimes need jobs, entertainment, sometimes to communicate with other people, let's say they are essential electronic devices in our daily life, without them we would go back to previous centuries, where everything was extremely difficult. Technology has shortened time and space considerably. And Would you be able to live without these electronics in your everyday life? ... The hard part is staying away from them.


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