The Storm "Hulk"


The Storm "Hulk"


The "Hulk" storm, as it was called on social networks, occurred last Tuesday, July 5, in South Dakota, in the United States, accompanied by powerful electrical discharges and winds of up to 128 kilometers per hour, it really is impressive to such an extent that many said it was at the "end of the world".


But the cause of this original green color was the sun's rays, from the refraction of sunlight, the sun's rays to reach our eyes must pass through the atmosphere and depending on the atmospheric conditions that light we see can be different since it can be broken down into some of its essential elements.


An example to see this is during a sunset or sunrise, the sun's rays must cross a greater number of kilometers of atmosphere than when it is noon, so at those times of the day we see the red and yellowish colors in the sky.


Light can also be completely broken down into its entire spectrum of colors, this occurs when the sun's rays pass through the raindrops that act as a prism creating a rainbow.


The green sky is a rare phenomenon, but not unique, it is usually associated with severe storms since sunlight is refracted when passing through storm clouds loaded with ice particles in the form of hail and also loaded and rain.

This phenomenon is intensified by the sun low on the horizon in the early morning or late afternoon, when the light entering storm clouds is more yellowish.


According to the NOA National Office of the United States Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the storm that broke out in South Dakota was of the “Derecho” type, it is an extended and long-lasting wind storm that is associated with a band of rains or storms. fast-moving power lines, by definition if the wind damage swath extends for approximately 400 kilometers and includes wind gusts of at least 93 kilometers per hour or more, for most of its length, then the event can be classified as a Derecho".

And one last piece of information, the experts affirm that not every time you see a sky with green tones, it means that a big storm is going to unleash, although just in case it is advisable to take shelter.

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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!


That’s very interesting, I’ve never heard of a green sky before. Hope you’re okay after this event ❤️🤗💓


Thank you, I was not there, I would have liked to be there, see it live but protected..
