Tarantula nebula


Tarantula nebula

Souce wikipedia.org

The James Webb allows us to take a spectacular trip to the 30 Dorados Nebula or NGC 2070, also known as the Tarantula Nebula, named for the arachnid appearance of its dusty filaments.

Nebulae are cradles where stars are born, and the tarantula nebula has long been a favorite of astronomers studying star formation.

The nebula is 161,000 light-years away, it is not in our galaxy, but in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite dwarf galaxy of our own, the Milky Way, the Tarantula Nebula, the largest and brightest star-forming region in the group. local to nearby galaxies, it is also home to the hottest and most massive stars we know of.

In its center is the extraordinarily compact and massive supercluster R136 with about 450 thousand times the mass of the Sun and also rich in stars of very high mass and luminosity, such as, for example, the star R136 A1, which is currently the most luminous invasive star known, it is an Ultra massive blue hypergiant star with a beam of 196 to 265 more than solar and a luminosity of 4.2 to 6.2 million times that of the Sun.

Souce European Space Agency, ESA

Being on an exoplanet that orbits such a star would not be a good idea, to begin with you would have to be very far away to support its luminosity, in addition the star undergoes outbursts that periodically throw part of its more into space and finally it would not be a good idea because this type of star only lives a few million years, they explode in a supernova although this one, perhaps being so massive, could explode as a hypernova, something so powerful that it would destroy everything tens of light years away, and without a doubt in the end it would end leaving in its place or a black hole.

Such is the complicated life in a nebula, a place of death and destruction, but also of birth and creation.

Souce European Space Agency, ESA

Official website ESA

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