Solved the riddle of the green silicate in atacama.


Solved the riddle of the green silicate in atacama.


A group of American and Chilean scientists has given an explanation to a mystery that literally covered the floor of the Atacama Desert in Chile, something calcined a large strip of 75 kilometers long in said desert, causing such intense heat that it transformed the sandy soil into large plates of dark green or black silicate glass that occurred about 12,000 years ago.

The research team studied the distribution and composition of the plates reaching an astonishing conclusion about what caused hell, the culprit was a comet that exploded the atmosphere creating a fireball that melted the desert sand, but how did the scientists arrive? to this conclusion and because a comet and not a forest fire or an asteroid.


It is known that the area was not always a desert at that time there were oases with trees and grassy wetlands created by rivers that flowed down from the mountains to the east but the temperature that a typical forest fire reaches is at most 400 degrees Celsius While to melt the sand and create the glass that the scientists found, temperatures much higher than 1648 degrees Celsius are needed and also the glasses showed signs of great violence had been twisted, bent, rolled and even thrown while still in molten form.

Such an event could only be created by an asteroid or a comet but the problem with the asteroid is that there is no impact crater, the object disintegrated in the atmosphere so it could not be a dense rock or a metallic asteroid but the origin Yes, it was from outside the earth, since the analysis of the samples revealed groups of minerals of extraterrestrial origin and more specifically the researchers found minerals such as cubanite, troilite and inclusions rich in calcium and alumino that coincide with the mineral signatures of recovered samples of NASA's stardust mission a mission launched on February 7, 1999 that consisted of a probe that was able to collect dust from comet 81P / Wild 2 and bring that material to earth where it arrived on January 15, 2006 with all these data the conclusion of the researchers was clear.


Atacama glass was created by the powerful outburst in the sphere of a comet about 12,000 years ago, although the exact date is yet to be determined and there is more Pete Schultz professor emeritus of the department of earth, environment and planetarium at Brown University suggested that the date of the impact coincided curiously with the moment when the large mammals disappeared from the region, he said verbatim that “it is too early to say whether there was a causal connection or not, but we can say that this event occurred almost at the same time as when the megafauna, which is intriguing, there is also the possibility that this has been witnessed by the first humans who had just arrived in the region, it would have been quite a spectacle ”, stated the researcher.


Schultz and his team hope that further research can help pinpoint the date and shed light on the comet's size that is currently unknown, for now the scientists hope the study can help other researchers identify other similar explosion sites. throughout the world and discovering the potential risk that such events present, in short, it would be tried to be able to have a statistic to know how often an impact occurs, because this is not the first event discovered in fact what has been discovered in atacama is can add to the theory of the Clovis comet hypothesis.

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