Scary lights


Scary lights


This phenomenon has been seen by too many people to be ignored and since it is Halloween and after the Day of the Dead I feel that it is the perfect time to investigate it.

The old people say that if you came to see one of these lights you had to mark the place for later with greater comfort, without fear and by daylight, dig to look for treasures of gold and silver, and although in reality there is no documented case where this Although this method has worked, I have learned that when remodeling old haciendas or buildings of yesteryear, builders have found valuables that they would probably have to report, fools as they were.

The lack of documented cases where seeing lights in a place indicated a hidden treasure could also be explained because if you find a treasure probably the last thing you want to do is announce it publicly, this folklore extends to Uruguay, Chile and Argentina with minimal variations while In Venezuela they are called witches, burials or apparitions or treasure lights in these other countries they are called bad light or Mandinga lighthouse in the case of northwest Argentina.


The light is associated with the spirit of someone who died in unfortunate circumstances and wants to communicate a message such as the location of a treasure that that person hid in life so that their loved ones can find it and pay a mass with it to pray for their soul.

Although these apparitions were also feared in these regions and travelers who saw them were urged to pray for that soul in pain, it is said that not even the bravest gaucho will pass near one of these lights without taking off his hat and praying. They also recommended taking out the Claro knife because in those times it was unusual to bring a knife everywhere and bite the sheath while praying, and in this way scare away the Spirit.

These spirits could be of people who did not give a Christian burial when they died or children who died without having been baptized according to folklore.

In the case of being observed near someone's house, it did not indicate a hidden treasure, but rather that someone from that house would die soon, something like the call of the ring, but without a telephone.


Outside of joke and myth, the phenomenon of the will-o'-the-wisp is so prevalent that every place inhabited by people has its version, to the extent that skeptical and rational people have sought natural explanations for these phenomena since the 16th century and in fact were not So wrong, since then natural gases have been suspected as a product of the decomposition of organic matter that abounded in places where these phenomena used to appear, such as Ciénegas marshes and swamps.

Even Isaac Newton spoke about the fatuous games in his treatises on optics indicating that it was an all too common phenomenon, currently it has been discovered that soils where there are decomposing organic matter can produce gases such as phosphane, diphosphane and methane, which when escaping to the surface and come into contact with the oxygen in the air can oxidize creating spontaneous combustion, which burns at a low temperature and shines with a dim light but cannot ignite vegetation and coincidentally in places where this type of phenomenon is usually seen, such as swamps Swamps and cemeteries where decomposing organic matter is not lacking.

Well I hope that's it, there is much more ignorance than mysteries in the world.


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