Ingenuity Drone Curiosities


Ingenuity Drone Curiosities


The Ingenuity helicopter drone took to the red planet on February 18, 2021, traveling in the belly of the Rover perseverance from which it unhooked to carry out its mission, that of being the first ship to fly on Mars, something that is not easy at all since The Martian atmosphere is much thinner than the Earth's.

The atmospheric density on Mars is like that of Earth but at about 30,000 or 35,000 meters high, so the blades of this drone had to be very special and rotate at high speed, despite the difficulties the ingenity managed to make its first flight on April 19, 2021.

NASA technicians originally planned that this small 1.8-kilogram solar-powered helicopter would make only five flights and be active for a month, but the Ingenuity has turned out to be a great little machine and has been flying and taking pictures ever since. the flight that is in the news right now is number 33, which would be a normal flight if we can say that flying on Mars is normal.


But when it took off something got stuck or hooked on one of the four legs of the drone and stayed there for several seconds of the flight until it finally came loose, the flight data is normal and the Ingenuity did not suffer any damage.

NASA experts have described this thing as FOD, an acronym for foreign object debris, and what could that be? What got stuck? although it is suspected that it was not of Martian origin but rather terrestrial, since it is believed that it could be remains or debris or fragments of the parachute and of the equipment that Perseverance used to reach Mars.

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