IA, Creation of images from different criteria


IA, Creation of images from different criteria


This image is created by an artificial intelligence after analyzing millions of photos, it learned how things look in the real world, the generated images are too realistic to the point that most people could not know if it is real or not.

It has too many details, too many subtleties and complexities like the clouds, the vegetation and even the way the glare from the sun interacts with the branches of the tree, it all fits together and looks correct, plausible as we know things look.


So much so that if they don't tell you that this image is fake I think it would never cross your mind, the most surprising thing about this is that this artificial intelligence can obey instructions, so that it generates the landscape you want with a description in the form of text, in English because artificial intelligences understand English or you could also delimit where you want each thing, drawing segmentation areas where each color spot represents elements such as trees, rocks, bodies of water and sky.


Artificial intelligence generates a photo realistic result from your doodles or you can also show a photograph and artificial intelligence will generate an image with the elements that appear in it.


Even when no indication is given, the artificial intelligence will generate photorealistic images of whatever it wants to paint at that moment, these are other examples:


It's too real no!, but when given specific instructions the user has complete control of what the artificial intelligence is going to generate, in fact this method developed by scientists from the technology company nvidia is especially innovative because unlike other methods to do this same type of image generation, which came out just a few months ago, in this one, you can use all the ways to give them instructions simultaneously, that is, you can tell them what to do by means of a sentence and drawing with segmentation areas or a sketch with stick lines to complement your art director vision.

Graphic designers should evaluate their future, don't you think?

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