A visionary of the modern age


A visionary of the modern age


Nikola tesla is one of the fathers of our civilization and one of the founders of the era in which we still live, the age of electronics, last July 10 marks the 166th anniversary of the birth of Mikola tesla.

He was born in Smiljan, present-day Croatia, it is said According to legend that tesla came into the world in the midst of an intense electrical storm, at the age of 28 he moved to the United States there he began to work for Thomas Alva Edison, who was a supporter of electric current continuous, in addition to this dispute they had incessant disputes on other issues.


In the end, he associated himself with George Westinghouse, who helped him financially to develop a model of alternating current electricity supply that turned out to be much cheaper and simpler than Edison's direct current, other of his important discoveries were the bulb without filament or the lamp. fluorescent, he also invented electrotherapy or diagnostic devices, the turbine without blades, the tesla coil and a large part of the radio patents that Guillermo Marconi appropriated.


Guillermo Marconi developed his radio from those tesla patents and with it began long-distance transmissions, Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1909, but tesla was not awarded any Nobel Prize, in fact it took many years to recognize that the invention of the radio was actually his, it was in 1943 when the Supreme Court of the United States recognized Nikola tesla as the inventor of the radio and returned the patent held by Marconi until then.


But just in that year of 1943, on January 7, Nikola Tesla died at the age of 86 in New York and he did so practically in misery and as fate is, despite his many discoveries and contributions in the field of energy, he did not He went on to win the Nobel Prize.


That Edison and Tesla would have reached the end if they had not had problems, they were two great geniuses, one more entrepreneurial and more pragmatic than Tesla, and this one was more creative, more imaginative, more altruistic, they were an explosive combination, but what would have been of humanity if the two could have been coordinated.

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